KMR-MY New Revolver.
I have made Spryan's revolver, and tried to mod it, but it has seemed so hard so I started on my first project. A jamless green rod revolver. The Idea was so perfect that i was so close.
It james a tiny little bit, about once per cylinder. you can fit 7 shots and comfy handle. I got the inspiration from Spryan.
If you want me to post please tell.
about 20-30 feet range. You can build from the pictures. CAn hold 3 rubberbands, but i like 2 or 1 better. Read image notes for better understanding of it.
It james a tiny little bit, about once per cylinder. you can fit 7 shots and comfy handle. I got the inspiration from Spryan.
If you want me to post please tell.
about 20-30 feet range. You can build from the pictures. CAn hold 3 rubberbands, but i like 2 or 1 better. Read image notes for better understanding of it.