This is an experimental project on the different uses and formalizations that can be given to the boxes through this page ""
This project consists of two boxes.
1- The first box is a reusable napkin ring, made with recycled microcement 8mm thick, the outer covers are black and the gray interiors, cut with digital manufacturing using the milling machine.
2- The other box is a hybrid soundboard between a kalimba and a guitar.
The base measures 20cm x 13cm, it is an 5mm thick wood, cut with the laser machine. The additional pieces are of the same material and consist of 6 parts, distributed 3 pieces above the guitar strings and the notes of the kalimba, and 3 pieces below that hold at the end of the strings.
The notes of this are made with the metal of a recycled drawer, cut with the radial machine
This is a material found in the street a microcement sample.
The box is made through the page "". You can make an equal box by adding a hole in the middle with an oval shape. It can be a napkin ring for any premises with recycled materials
This musical instrument is made with the program ""
The wood makes 20cm x 15cm with two triangles in half isosceles that one measures 6cm x 4cm and 6cm x 2cm.
To create the soundboard, 4 small woods of 10cm x 4cm have been used where two lateral stripes of 1mm deep have been engraved.
To build this box you will need:
1 ---> 4 hardware plugs.
2 ---> 6 metals to make the notes, two of them 8 cm and four 12 cm notes.
3 ---> three rods 10 cm long and one rod 10 cm long and 1cm thick
4 ---> 4 strings of an old guitar.
5 ---> 4 screws to join everything
6 ---> Some pliers
7 ---> A drill
8 ---> the plans of the box.