King Crown for Kids
This a king crown .
This crown is made in the autodesk fusion 360.
Physical material used is canvas from fabric drop down.
Colours applied are of fabric colours.
I have used model and rendering work space of auto desk fusion 360.
In this step i am in the model work space of fusion 360.
I have drawn a circle by choosing the top plane.
In this step i am in the model work space of fusion 360.
I have extruded the circle drawn in previous step.
The extrued shape has taken the shape of a cylinder.
In this step I am in the model work space of fusion 360.
I have shelled out the extruded cylinder
from the bottom face.
The option of shell can be found in the modify drop down of model
work space of fusion 360.
In this step i am in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have drawn three arcs.
The arc drawn from the option of three point arc.
The non required part of sketch is trimmed off.
Then this sketch is viewed in the home view of fusion 360.
In this step i am in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have extruded the sketch previously drawn.
Then I have applied the operation of circular pattern.
In this way I have got the required structure.
In this step I am in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have taken the top face of crown and drawn a hexagon
on it.
Then I have extruded the drawn hexagon.
Then I have applied fillets to the diferent edges of crown.
Option of fillet can be found in the modify drop down of
model workspace of fusion 360.
In this step I am in the rendering work space of fusion 360.
Then I have applied colors to different faces of crown.
Then I have changed the physical material of crown from
steel to fabric.
In this step I am in the rendering environment of fusion 360.
In this step I have provided different views of crown.