Kitchen Flower Garden
Several Bulbs such as Hyacinths, Crocus, or Narcissus. I used Hyacinths.
1 Clear glass container or shallow dish.
Small rocks or decorative glass beads
White Spray Paint (optional)
Red or Pink Tube paint (optional)
I removed the bulbs and washed off the dirt.
If using bulbs that have not been started, go on to the next step.
Gather a few rocks from a driveway or use glass stones.
Wash the rocks.
If you wish to paint the rocks, now is the time to do that.
Spray the rock using the white spray paint.
Draw a picture or write a message on the rocks using the tube paint.
Have the rocks, container, and bulbs handy.
Start placing the bulbs in the desired container; anchoring the roots down with a few rocks.
Add a few more rocks to cover the bottom of the container.
Top with the painted rocks if desired.
Add water up to the shoulder of the bulb.
A Few Arrangements
Here are a few arrangements I made up to share. I made one in a shallow dish that was not deep enough to cover the shoulder of the bulb.
I think it will be OK because it has a nice root system.
The important thing is to keep the bulbs wet.
Starting the Roots
Place bulbs in cool, dark room (preferably under 50 degrees F) for four to eight weeks until the root system has developed and the top elongates.
Then place them in a sunny location where they will soon bloom.
Sunshiine's Final Thoughts
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a beautiful day!