Knex Drum Magazine
What's up? This drum mag was featured in my TAR-21 slideshow. I was asked to post insructions, so here are they.
In the way I made this, it can't feed. However, the top part can be converted to contain bullets. This mag can be used to give your gun extra bulk, or to replicate the magazines for AA-12's, Striker shotguns etc.
All broken parts on each layer inside the drum, can be replaced by standard, light grey connectors (two slot).
In the way I made this, it can't feed. However, the top part can be converted to contain bullets. This mag can be used to give your gun extra bulk, or to replicate the magazines for AA-12's, Striker shotguns etc.
All broken parts on each layer inside the drum, can be replaced by standard, light grey connectors (two slot).