K'nex Hydraulic Arm
Here I will show you how to make a hydraulic arm that i had to make for my grade 9 tech class. Not i have to post this instructable so that i don't lose a crap-load of my marks. Here you go Mr. Arding! Now, let's give Mr. Arding a warm welcome.
The Base
Here i will show you how to make the base.
Arm 1
This is the arm that does no move and holds onto the base to support the claw and the second arm.
Connecting Arm 1 to Base
Here we will connect what we have to the base.
Arm 2
Here we will make the second arm. This is the arms that moves.
Connecting Arm 2 to Arm 1
Here we will connect the first arm to the second arm.
Arm 2 Hydraulics
Here we will connect the hydraulics from arm 2 to the soon to be claw.
Here we will make the most important part of the arm. The claw. You can modify it easily to pick up anything you want.
Putting It All Together
Here we are at the final step! Putting everything together to make it work!