K'nex Mag
This is a K'nex magazine I designed based on the original blue rod mag. Basically I extended its length and added a bar that allows you to keep the pin down. Unfortunately even with the extended length the mag only holds 15 blue bars and only 14 rounds can be shot. This was just something I was working on and I hope by posting it you guys can modify it to hold more rounds. ENOUGH TALKING! Here's the parts list.
Parts List
12 white connecters
1 blue connecter
5 yellow connecters
1 purple/gray connecters(the ones that attach to the blues)
7 orange connecters
2 purple/gray connecters(the ones with a single opening)
28 green rods
14 white rods
1 blue rod(plus 15 more for ammunition)
1 red rod
1 ball joint(with the ball on the end)
1 ball joint(with an opening at the end)
1 black clip
2 rubber bands(I used 144s but it doesn't really matter)