K'nex Walle-E
Here at last are the instructions for my latest version of Wall-E
Gather all these bits
-x 18 K'NEX Connector 8-way White
-x 13 K'NEX Connector 8-way Black
-x 122 K'NEX Connector 4-way 3D Silver
-x 451 K'NEX Connector 5-way Yellow
-x 115 K'NEX Connector 5-way Light Grey
-x 4 K'NEX Connector 4-way Green
-x 12 K'NEX Connector 4-way Metallic green
-x 36 K'NEX Connector 3-way Red
-x 70 K'NEX Connector 3-way Dark grey granite
-x 8 K'NEX Connector 2-way Light Grey 8
-x 1 K'NEX Connector 2-way straight Orange
-x 5 K'NEX Connector 2-way straight Brown
-x 10 K'NEX Clip with Hole end Dark Grey
End Connectors
-x 12 K'NEX Interlocking clip Bronze
-x 10 K'NEX Clip Blue
-x 1 K'NEX Clip with Splice end Orange
-x 6 K'NEX Clip with Rod end Black
-x 5 K'NEX Rod 190mm Grey
-x 2 K'NEX Rod 128mm Red
-x 7 K'NEX Rod 128mm Metallic Green
-x 2 K'NEX Rod 86mm Yellow
-x 37 K'NEX Rod 86mm Dark grey granite
-x 30 K'NEX Rod 54mm Dark Blue
-x 7 K'NEX Rod 54mm Metallic Blue
-x 34 K'NEX Rod 32mm White
-x 121 K'NEX Rod 32mm Silver
-x 762 K'NEX Rod 16mm Green or Black
-x 14 K'NEX Gear medium Red
-x 2 K'NEX Crown gear medium Yellow
-x 2 K'NEX Crown gear medium Grey
-x 123 K'NEX Chain link 32mm
-x 11 K'NEX Spacer Silver
-x 27 K'NEX Spacer Blue
-x 4 K'NEX Hub/Pulley Small + K'NEX Tyre Small
-x1 Cyber K’Nex single motor
-x1 Cyber K’Nex double motor
-x1 Cyber K’Nex processor
-x1 Cyber K’Nex IR controller
-x 2 Elastic bands
Total = 1966
Gather all these bits
-x 18 K'NEX Connector 8-way White
-x 13 K'NEX Connector 8-way Black
-x 122 K'NEX Connector 4-way 3D Silver
-x 451 K'NEX Connector 5-way Yellow
-x 115 K'NEX Connector 5-way Light Grey
-x 4 K'NEX Connector 4-way Green
-x 12 K'NEX Connector 4-way Metallic green
-x 36 K'NEX Connector 3-way Red
-x 70 K'NEX Connector 3-way Dark grey granite
-x 8 K'NEX Connector 2-way Light Grey 8
-x 1 K'NEX Connector 2-way straight Orange
-x 5 K'NEX Connector 2-way straight Brown
-x 10 K'NEX Clip with Hole end Dark Grey
End Connectors
-x 12 K'NEX Interlocking clip Bronze
-x 10 K'NEX Clip Blue
-x 1 K'NEX Clip with Splice end Orange
-x 6 K'NEX Clip with Rod end Black
-x 5 K'NEX Rod 190mm Grey
-x 2 K'NEX Rod 128mm Red
-x 7 K'NEX Rod 128mm Metallic Green
-x 2 K'NEX Rod 86mm Yellow
-x 37 K'NEX Rod 86mm Dark grey granite
-x 30 K'NEX Rod 54mm Dark Blue
-x 7 K'NEX Rod 54mm Metallic Blue
-x 34 K'NEX Rod 32mm White
-x 121 K'NEX Rod 32mm Silver
-x 762 K'NEX Rod 16mm Green or Black
-x 14 K'NEX Gear medium Red
-x 2 K'NEX Crown gear medium Yellow
-x 2 K'NEX Crown gear medium Grey
-x 123 K'NEX Chain link 32mm
-x 11 K'NEX Spacer Silver
-x 27 K'NEX Spacer Blue
-x 4 K'NEX Hub/Pulley Small + K'NEX Tyre Small
-x1 Cyber K’Nex single motor
-x1 Cyber K’Nex double motor
-x1 Cyber K’Nex processor
-x1 Cyber K’Nex IR controller
-x 2 Elastic bands
Total = 1966
Build the Main Body
Image 1 , Start by building the base as shown. Notice there are two silver rods with a blue spacer and blue clip fitted, these can be fitted now or later on.
Image 2 , This image shows the build up to the 10th layer, you will notice there are some gaps. Leave out 4 yellow pieces from the 1st four layers and then leave out four pieces from the 7th layer upwards. There are 2 silve rods fitted on the 2nd layer, these wil be part of the motor mounts.
Image 3 , Build up the next 7 layers and it should now look like this. On the 13 layer fit the silver rods as shown and on the 17th layer fit a black rod end clip.
Image 4 , Build the next 3 layers leaving a gap of 3 for the arms.
Image 5 , It should now look like this.
Image 6 , Build up the next 6 layers as shown. Here you see the mount for Cyber K'nex key card. Leave a gap in the red 3-way connectors from the 2nd from top one right hand side.
Image 7 , Build the final layer as shown. The top is fitted just so you can see how it looks and will now need to be removed.
Image 8 , With the top removed you will see the mounts at the rear, this is for one of the hand held units
Image 9 , Next build the part of the mounts for the tracks.
Images 10 & 11 , Attach to the underside using the 2 silver rods as shown. Ensure the metallic connectors are facing the rear.
Images 12 & 13 , This is how it should look now. Image 13 shows the gaps that were left for the arms and track locations.
Images 14 & 15 , The hatch, make the hatch as shown. The elastic bands are held in place using blue clips. Make sure to use a small amount of tape on the ends of the granite rods to make a good fit in the yellow and brown connectors.
Image 16 , Make the arms. The image shows the left ar, the rightt is just the opposite.
Image 2 , This image shows the build up to the 10th layer, you will notice there are some gaps. Leave out 4 yellow pieces from the 1st four layers and then leave out four pieces from the 7th layer upwards. There are 2 silve rods fitted on the 2nd layer, these wil be part of the motor mounts.
Image 3 , Build up the next 7 layers and it should now look like this. On the 13 layer fit the silver rods as shown and on the 17th layer fit a black rod end clip.
Image 4 , Build the next 3 layers leaving a gap of 3 for the arms.
Image 5 , It should now look like this.
Image 6 , Build up the next 6 layers as shown. Here you see the mount for Cyber K'nex key card. Leave a gap in the red 3-way connectors from the 2nd from top one right hand side.
Image 7 , Build the final layer as shown. The top is fitted just so you can see how it looks and will now need to be removed.
Image 8 , With the top removed you will see the mounts at the rear, this is for one of the hand held units
Image 9 , Next build the part of the mounts for the tracks.
Images 10 & 11 , Attach to the underside using the 2 silver rods as shown. Ensure the metallic connectors are facing the rear.
Images 12 & 13 , This is how it should look now. Image 13 shows the gaps that were left for the arms and track locations.
Images 14 & 15 , The hatch, make the hatch as shown. The elastic bands are held in place using blue clips. Make sure to use a small amount of tape on the ends of the granite rods to make a good fit in the yellow and brown connectors.
Image 16 , Make the arms. The image shows the left ar, the rightt is just the opposite.
Build and Fit the Tracks
Image 1 , Build this, inner part of the tracks.
Images 2 & 3 , Build this, the main part of the tracks.
Image 4 , Gather the gears, wheels etc and assemble them onto the rods as shwon.
Image 5 , Instal the gear assemblies into the main track part as built earlier. The yellow and metallic gears will need to be removed for this.
Image 6 , Fit the inner part of the tracks as shown.
Image 7 , The fiddly bit, tilt the track assembly and locate the small rod into the yellow connector as shown. You will then be able to clip it into place by pushing from the inside and the outside.
Image 8 , Now fit the tracks, 27 links per track.
Image 9 , It should now look like thsi.
Images 2 & 3 , Build this, the main part of the tracks.
Image 4 , Gather the gears, wheels etc and assemble them onto the rods as shwon.
Image 5 , Instal the gear assemblies into the main track part as built earlier. The yellow and metallic gears will need to be removed for this.
Image 6 , Fit the inner part of the tracks as shown.
Image 7 , The fiddly bit, tilt the track assembly and locate the small rod into the yellow connector as shown. You will then be able to clip it into place by pushing from the inside and the outside.
Image 8 , Now fit the tracks, 27 links per track.
Image 9 , It should now look like thsi.
Fit the Motors Etc
Images 1 & 2 , Start with the twin drive motors for the tracks.
Images 3 & 4 , Now fit the processor.
Image 5 , Now make the drive for the front hatch.
Images 6 & 7 , Fit the drive system for the front hatch.
Image 8 , Fit the chain (15 links) and connect it to the black rod end at the rear.
Image 9 , Now you can fit the hand held unit and the key card holder.
Images 10 & 11 , Fit the hatch and connect the chain (15 links)
Image 12 , Pull up the elastic bands and locate them using 2 blue rods as shown.
image 14 , With the hatch closed it should look like this.
Images 3 & 4 , Now fit the processor.
Image 5 , Now make the drive for the front hatch.
Images 6 & 7 , Fit the drive system for the front hatch.
Image 8 , Fit the chain (15 links) and connect it to the black rod end at the rear.
Image 9 , Now you can fit the hand held unit and the key card holder.
Images 10 & 11 , Fit the hatch and connect the chain (15 links)
Image 12 , Pull up the elastic bands and locate them using 2 blue rods as shown.
image 14 , With the hatch closed it should look like this.
Put the Rest Together
Image 1 , Now fit the arms, locate them in the gap and insert a yellow rod into the hole above.
Image 2 , Now you can re-fit the top layer.
Images 3, 4 & 5 , Make 14 of these and then assemble them to amke the eyes. They are then joined together with a grainte rod. Be sure to fit 3 black rods to 2 of the initial assemblies and these should be the 3rd from the front.
Image 6 , Make 11 of these but leave out 2 granite rods.
Image 7 , Assemble as shown.
Image 8 , Make the neck as shown.
Image 9 , Fit the neck to the head via the black rod ends.
Image 10 , Fit the eyes to head as shown.
Image 11 , Fit the head/neck assembly to the body. This is simply done by using a grrey rod at the back and a blue rod further forward.
Image 12 , Thread the eyes (lights) through the head and then fit a white connector in each eye and locate the light in the centre of the white piece.
Image 13 , That's it, job done and finished.
Image 2 , Now you can re-fit the top layer.
Images 3, 4 & 5 , Make 14 of these and then assemble them to amke the eyes. They are then joined together with a grainte rod. Be sure to fit 3 black rods to 2 of the initial assemblies and these should be the 3rd from the front.
Image 6 , Make 11 of these but leave out 2 granite rods.
Image 7 , Assemble as shown.
Image 8 , Make the neck as shown.
Image 9 , Fit the neck to the head via the black rod ends.
Image 10 , Fit the eyes to head as shown.
Image 11 , Fit the head/neck assembly to the body. This is simply done by using a grrey rod at the back and a blue rod further forward.
Image 12 , Thread the eyes (lights) through the head and then fit a white connector in each eye and locate the light in the centre of the white piece.
Image 13 , That's it, job done and finished.