LED Bulb for Arduino
Hi! In this Instructable, I will be showing you how to create a LED bulb that you can connect to an Arduino, or a battery. You can incorporate this into your existing projects!
You will need:
A Straw
Some Wire
An Old Light Bulb
How Out the Original Bulb
For instructions on hollowing out the bulb, follow this Instructable: Credits Electrospark
Set Up the LED
For this step you will need a straw and a wire. Cut the wire a bit longer than the straw and thread through the straw. Connect the wire to the LED. It should look like the photo.
Poke the LED in the Bulb
Cut a piece of styrofoam to fit in the bottom of the bulb. Poke a hole in the middle enough for the straw to fit through. Then push the straw in the hole.
Add to Your Existing Project
This makes a good indicator light for your existing project. Enjoy! (Sorry for the bad quality photos I'll try to update them!)