LED Nightlight

by Renee Shen in Circuits > Arduino

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LED Nightlight

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This is a nightlight for people to use, I made some slight changes on the project since I want it more comfortable for people to use it during night.

This is a nightlight for people to use, I made some slight changes on the project since I want it more comfortable for people to use it during night. First of all, I reduced the amount of the LED required, therefore, the light won’t be too bright, and so it won’t affect people’s sleeping. Also, the light color of LED was changed from red to another color, due to the color red’s stimulation, I’d decided to change it to another color so it won’t be too bad for eyes. Thus, I’d add a cover to soften the light of the LED, and also to make sure the LED light will shine evenly, making the room the same brightness.

comes from :https://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Lighting-on-Breadboard/

Plug LED Light

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I used 3 light blub,2 whites, and 1 yellow.

The material needed

1. LED 2. Breadboard 3. Wires

Program code

