LED Stars Card
Not finished
Items You Will Need
- 3 small LED lights
- 1 3 volt battery
- Copper tape
- Image of sky
- Cardboard
Step 1
Cut carboard into the shape of your picture, then glue the picture onto it.
After that, make three holes. This is where the LED lights will show up.
Step 2 - Circuit
First, draw a circuit on the back of the cardboard. The lines represent what will be the copper tape, and the circle represents the battery. Make sure the lines pass next to each hole for the LED lights, and that the positive and negative side never touch. It helps if you mark which side is positive and which side is negative.
Now stick copper tape over the lines. I didn't cut the tape so that there wasn't a chance of the electricity not going through the whole circuit because of a weak connection. Do not stick the tape around the battery(circle) yet, leave it loose.
Step 3 - Battery
First, stick down the copper tape on the negative side. Make sure it doesn't go too far and touch the other side. Then take a battery and put it on top, making sure the negative side of the battery is face down. Now fold over the copper tape (on the positive side) on itself, and lay it over the top of the battery. Then use tape to secure it in place.