LED Throwie Zoetrope
I've been looking into unique ways of presenting how to make an LED Throwie as part of my research, and this method was just too fun not to share.
For Printing
Cut Your Print Into Squares
Follow the lines on the print to cut everything to the same size.
Tape Cut Papers to Strip
Find a strip of something long enough to attach all of your cut papers too. I went to the dollar store and got a piece of poster board.
Green and white didn't work for me, so I went with Black.
Cut Peek Holes
These will be the slits you look through as the zoetrope spins around. Cut then large enough to see the image on the other side, but not so large that you can see multiple images.
In the first four pictures you can see me drawing a line and marking off center points of the image, so I can ensure all of my peek holes are in the exact same position.
Tape It in a Circle
round out your flat sheet of paper so it's round. Tape it so the last image, and the first image have the same amount of space between them as all the other images.
Let's Make a Stand!
Find something thin, sturdy and light that can hold your zoetrope in place. Cut that object to closely resemble the base of your zoetrope.
If at First You Don't Succeed...
My first plan was to have a bolt through the center, washers holding the zoetrope, allowing smooth rotation. In the end, I couldn't find something (perhaps a threaded rod?) to attach to the other end of the bolt. So this idea was scrapped.
...Try Try Again.
With the hole cut, I had a wooden dowel that fit through quite nicely. Grabbing some spare blocks I had lying around to act as risers, I proceeded to glue the dowel in the hole. When it was almost dry, I fliped it over and glued the top, letting the rod hang freely so it would dry as straight as possible.
Tape your zoetrope to your base. You wouldn't want it flying off.
Minor Alterations.
The holes I used were quite the right size, so I spaced them out a tiny bit more.
Animated gif of spinning Zoetrope.