LEGO Clock
The finished product
What You Will Need....
- A large base plate 24x24 or a lot of base plates that total to 24x24 ( remember to join them together before starting)
- A drill
- 4 smooth pieces 2 of another colour (e.g: 2 yellow and 2 pink)
- Clock Mechanism
The Numbers
Add the four smooth pieces. Put one at the top, centre of the LEGO board and put another of the same colour opposite it (at the bottom of the LEGO base plate). These two smooth pieces represent '12' and '6'. Put another smooth piece (of another colour) on the size of the plate (where the number '3' would go). Then put another piece opposite the number '3'. These two represent '3' and '9'.
Adding the Mechanism
Drill a hole in the middle of the base plate, such that it is wide enough for the mechanism. Fit the mechanism in place and you are done!