Laser Cut Box
This is based on KevinKarney's tutorial.
.3mm plywood
Adobe Illustrator
Follow Kevin's Instructions
Follow the instructions of this tutorial.
Some additional tips from me:
- Kerf (if you didn't already know) is the width of the laser, which can skew the size. Kevin's program helpfully includes a kerf finder which is worth doing if you have excess material.
- There are some setting that can make the box customizable. For me, I choose to take off the magnetic latch and have only 4 hinges instead of the 6.
Different things I have changed for each iteration:
Iteration 1: width of wood: 3mm
Iteration 2: kerf: 0 ; width of wood: 3.5mm
Iteration 3: kerf: 0; width of wood: 3mm
(Optional) Using Adobe Illustrator to Change Positioning
Using Adobe Illustrator, the layout of the box can be changed to better fit on the material. For me, my board was 30-by-30 so I rotated pieces and placed them so that they would fit. I added additional hinges to my layout in case I broke or lost some so that I have replacements.
Cut It!
Use a laser cutter to cut it! For me, I choose a material of General Medium Wood with a thickness of 3.5mm. This depending on the cleanliness of the laser and other factors should give a pretty nice cut.
Times it took for each iteration to cut:
Iteration 1: 2 passes around 5 minutes each
Iteration 2: 1 pass around 5 minutes
Iteration 3: 3 passes around 5 minutes each
Assemble It!
For boxes that are too loose to be tight fit, I recommend using wood glue to put it together. A little glue, on the edges give a nice tight bond. However, my goal was to make it press-fit which may have been possible with the last iteration.