Lava Block
The only difference between the Fire Block and the Ice Block are both the same. The difference is in the color of paints used.This is a small lava block or smoldering ember for use in RPGs, war gaming, or miniature gaming. This is a very easy construction. If you have some craft paints and a hot glue gun than the cost will basically be free.
Stuff to Have on Hand
Things you will need:
hot glue gun craft paint/paint brush scissors paper egg carton mod podge
Cut the Egg Carton
Cut Cardboard for Base
Cut a piece of a box for a base.
Hot Glue It
Glue the carton piece to the base. Seal up any seams. Drag some of the hot glue along the base to add some texture.
1st Paint Coat
Give it a hit of yellow paint, making sure to get the paint in the nooks and crannies.
Let it dry.
2nd Paint Coat
Dry brush it with some red or orange and let it dry.
3rd Paint Coat
Hit it with some black to make it looks like ash or burnt out wood/lava. Let it dry.
Gloss If You Want
If you want hit it with a coat of mod podge and let it dry.