Learn How to Make Simple Obstacle Avoiding Robot at Home

by Electronicslovers in Circuits > Robots

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Learn How to Make Simple Obstacle Avoiding Robot at Home


Hello, Electronics Lovers , as we know that its dream of every student to make a simple robot for their semester project at University. The Working function of this robot is simple, it will divert its path whenever it detects obstacles on its way.

​1) Car Body :


You need to search for old Remote Control Car or make your own by using the wood frame and nut bolts. I made my own car, As you can see in the below picture.

Dc Motors and ICs:

Kindly attach 4 Dc Motors accurately with front and back wheels of the car. With the help of a schematic diagram, you can easily connect each motor drive ic L293D with 4 Dc motors. Make your circuit on wire board and tied up above the car by using nuts bolts.

IR Sensors :


One of the most and important components used in this robot is Infrared Sensor (IR) Module, IR sensors work like eyes for this robot. IR sensor will emit infrared rays continuously in different directions for a short distance, whenever an obstacle comes on its way it will reflect those infrared waves back towards IR receiver led (Black one in the IR module). An infrared receiver will send the commands to inform a microcontroller to divert its path because something is present in the track. If you want To increase the accuracy of this robot, for this purpose you need to use multiple IR sensor modules, it will help to cover and search the surrounding areas more precisely.

Heart of this project is G16V8 Microcontroller, it will receive commands from different IR sensor module to avoid this robot from any kind of obstacle. Everyone knows that most ICs available in the market work in 5Vdc so for this purpose we have used 7805 regulator ic (Use Heat Sink for it) in this project, it will step down your 9v Dc to 5Vdc.

Schematic Diagram :


Rest of the project is easy and simple, otherwise, if you found any difficulty while making this project so don't hesitate to ask anything related to this project from us we are here to help you anytime.

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