Led Neon Sign With Wall Grid
This is a diy guide to combine led neon sign and wall grid. This will help you don't have to design CAD file and do any CNC cut. Just bring out a wall grid and do all the thing, all the text you want.
Preparing Stuffs
- Led Neon Flex 12v strip with 12v power adapter
- A Wall Grid with the size fit with your text idea
- A bag of Cable Tie
- Solder and Soldering iron/gun
- Wire cutter
- And some of other stuffs
Design Your Text
Use a grid paper to draw a table with number of row and column same with the wall grid.
In my case this is a 9x19
Measure and Cut Led
Cut and Solder LED
Fix the LED Fragments to Wall Grid
Use cable tie to fix the LED fragments into the wall grid as your text design