Lego Ship USB Stick
This has been done loads of times so far, but who cares? Not me I love playing with Lego,
I carry around in my laptop bag a USB micro SD card adapter and the case has fallen off and it is getting damaged and I decided today to make an enclosure/case for it.
So I popped round to my local Hackspace ( HSNotts ) and spent half hour rummaging around to see what i could use/adapt/butcher for my case and I found a tub of LEGO, and so here we are and this is what I did.
Things we need:
How we do it.
I carry around in my laptop bag a USB micro SD card adapter and the case has fallen off and it is getting damaged and I decided today to make an enclosure/case for it.
So I popped round to my local Hackspace ( HSNotts ) and spent half hour rummaging around to see what i could use/adapt/butcher for my case and I found a tub of LEGO, and so here we are and this is what I did.
Things we need:
- Lots and lots and lots ( or just enough! ) Lego
- A donor USB stick, mine was a micro sd card adapter with a 4gig card.
- Superglue
- Imagination.
- Blue Tac / plastercine ect
How we do it.
- Get your donor USB stick and strip the existing case off so all you have is the inner workings
- Grab your pot of Lego and just build till you get something you like.
- But don`t forget we need a way to fix the stick so it stays in place when we are using it so use some bluetac top and bottom inside your Lego case.
- Double check it fits in a USB socket and works!
- Carefully take it apart remembering what goes where and carefully glue all the bits together. In my case as it was an adapter I still needed to get to the innards if I was to change the Micro SD card so I didnt glue it around the middle. ( you`ll see in the photos.)
- Take pictures and post them all over the internets.