Let's Make Slime!
For this amazing and popular project, you will only need 5 items;
- 1 Mixing bowl
- A measuring tablespoon
- A stirring instrument (spatula will work great)
- 5 ounces of glue (Elmer's Glue works well)
- 2.3 ounces of boding formula (this contains baking soda, contact solution, and traces of boric acid). This can be purchased in the crafting glue section of a Walmart or any other store that sells art supplies.
Pour It In!
Remove the cap from the 5-ounce bottle of glue. Pour it into the mixing bowl making sure that you get as much of the glue out of the container as possible. The amount of glue determines that amount of the final ingredient, (the contact solution). You may want to hold the bottle facing downwards into the bowl for 1 to 2 minutes to make sure that you get the maximum amount of glue out of the container. When finished, discard the glue container.
Add the Contact Solution!
After removing all of the glue possible from the glue bottle, add 2 ounces of the clear contact mixture (or 4 tablespoons). Pour over the already poured glue evenly. It will give the glue a shiny and slick appearance.
Start Mixing!
Mix the glue and the contact solution together for an average of 2 minutes. It is important to mix as well as possible. Be sure to scrape the glue from the outside of the bowl toward the inside creating a "pile" of glue in the middle. Mix briskly to make sure the solution is properly absorbed into the glue.
Add Some More!
After stirring the glue and solution for 2 minutes, add 2 more ounces of the contact solution. You will want to add the second 2 ounces of contact solution slowly as you are mixing. You may need help with a friend for this step, as you will be using your hands to mix the second 2 ounces. You may ask why you don't just add 4 ounces at the beginning, the reason is that it is important to mix separately, because it makes the final product firm enough to play with.
Keep Mixing!
After adding the second two ounces of contact solution, you will keep mixing. It is much more effective to use your hands to do this for the second round of mixing. Kneading the glue/solution mix for several minutes will ensure that the slime is solid. If not mixed well enough, the slime will be sticky.
Enjoy Your Slime!
Your slime should take on a flexible, not sticky feeling. If you feel that the slime is still too sticky after kneading the glue and solution, add more solution to the mix and continue to knead until you get your desired slime consistency. When you get the consistency you desire, Have fun molding your slime!