Lets Start
Ok so today we are going to make a talking bat file here.
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Need more/any help? comment and I can help you.
Making an Input Output Bat File
So today we will create a input output .bat file kinda like we are talking to a robot.
so First Enter the lines of code so we can get a response
@echo off
echo BOT: How are you?
set /p input=Type Good, Ok, or bad:
so First Enter the lines of code so we can get a response
@echo off
echo BOT: How are you?
set /p input=Type Good, Ok, or bad:
Now Check the Response
Now after that we need to check the response and do something so
This is what I put.
if %input% == Good goto 1good
if %input% == good goto 1good
if %input% == Ok goto 1ok
if %input% == ok goto 1ok
if %input% == Bad goto 1bad
if %input% == bad goto 1bad
This is what I put.
if %input% == Good goto 1good
if %input% == good goto 1good
if %input% == Ok goto 1ok
if %input% == ok goto 1ok
if %input% == Bad goto 1bad
if %input% == bad goto 1bad
Moving on Conversation
Now we need to carry on the conversation and add some feedback so put:
echo That is good!
echo Well atlest your ok.
echo I am sorry.
This way we can still continue on the topic if the user wants too.
echo That is good!
echo Well atlest your ok.
echo I am sorry.
This way we can still continue on the topic if the user wants too.
Detection Component
so now that we have our code we need to add a little more so copy this code
@echo off
echo BOT: How are you?
set /p input=Type Good, Ok, or bad:
if %input% == Good goto 1good
if %input% == good goto 1good
if %input% == Ok goto 1ok
if %input% == ok goto 1ok
if %input% == Bad goto 1bad
if %input% == bad goto 1bad
:miss[Put a random number here and remove all [] ]
goto main
echo That is good!
echo Well atlest your ok.
echo I am sorry.
@echo off
echo BOT: How are you?
set /p input=Type Good, Ok, or bad:
if %input% == Good goto 1good
if %input% == good goto 1good
if %input% == Ok goto 1ok
if %input% == ok goto 1ok
if %input% == Bad goto 1bad
if %input% == bad goto 1bad
:miss[Put a random number here and remove all [] ]
goto main
echo That is good!
echo Well atlest your ok.
echo I am sorry.