Lever Arm System

by zihanx7 in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Lever Arm System


Lever Arm System

Lever Arm

Resulting image for lever arm.PNG

History Tree for Lever Arm

History tree leverarm.PNG

History Tree for Lever Arm

History tree leveram 2.PNG

Lever arm(1) Base sketch.PNG

Create a sketch on the front plane, and draw a circle with diameter 25.5mm

Lever arm #5.PNG

Extrude out the base sketch to 302mm.[Boss-Extrude1]

Create a new sketch on the top of the extruded circle, and use convert entities to create the same shape as the base sketch. Extrude it to 152mm [Boss-Extrude2]

Create a new sketch at the bottom of the extruded circle, and use convert entities to get the same shape.Then extrude it to 130mm. [Boss-Extrude3]

On the front plane of the extruded circle, create a new sketch and draw two circles with diameter 8 mm. The distance between their origins is 116 mm. The center point of the circle from the edge is 15mm. Please see the image.

Lever arm #7.PNG

Extrude cut above sketch, cutting them to 20 mm in both direction. [Cut-Extrude4]

Create a circle on the front plane, diameter 17.78 mm. In addition, create a centerline the is tangent to the left arc of the circle. Set the distance from the origin and the centerline to be 302mm.

Lever arm #9.PNG

Extrude cut the circle to 15.2 mm.[Cut-Extrude 1]

Create a new circle at front, diameter 8 mm.

Lever arm #11.PNG

Extrude cut the circle created above to 20mm.[Cut-Extrude2]

Create a new sketch on top, and draw a circle diameter 21.18mm, centered at the origin.

Resulting image for lever arm.PNG

Finally, extrude cut the sketch to 734 mm. [Cut-Extrude3]

Then, you will get the resulting part.

Ball Bearing Ring

Ball Bearing resulting image.PNG

History Tree for Ball Bearing Ring

History tree Ballbearing ring.PNG

Ball Beaing Ring base sketch.PNG

Create a new sketch on the front plane, and draw two concentric circles.( One is 26.5 mm and another is 35mm)

Ball bearing ring#3.PNG

Extrude out the base sketch to 34 mm.[Boss-Extrude1]

Create a new sketch on top of the extruded circle, and draw two circles.(One diameter is 12.5 mm, and another is 32 mm). Then extrude the region to 4mm. [Boss-Extrude2]

Ball bearing ring#4.PNG

Extrude cut the same sketch of the outer region to 6mm. [Cut-Extrude1]

Ball bearing ring#5.PNG

Create a new sketch at the bottom, and draw a circle with diameter 93mm,centered at the origin. Then Extrude out to 6 mm. [Boss-Extrude 3]

Ball bearing ring#6.PNG

Create another new sketch at the same place above. Draw a circle with diameter 80 mm. Then use convert entity , covering the 26.5 circle into this surface.

Ball bearing ring#8.PNG

Extrude cut the region converting region to 10mm. [Cut-Extrude 2]

Create a new sketch at the largest circle (80mm), and draw a circle with diameter 26 mm. Use Extrude cut the sketch region to 5mm [Boss-Extrude 9]

Ball bearing ring#9.PNG

Create another circle at top diameter 22.5 mm. Extrude cut to 5mm. [Cut-Extrude3]

Ball Bearing resulting image.PNG

The resulting part.

Lever Arm Ring

Resulting image for lever arm ring.PNG

History Tree for Lever Arm Ring

Lever arm ring history tree.PNG

lever arm ring base sketch.PNG

Create a sketch on the front plane, and draw two circles, centered at the origin.(One with diameter 81.5mm ,another is 101.25mm)

lever arm ring #2.PNG

Extrude out the sketch region to 21 mm. [Boss-Extrude1]

lever arm ring #3.PNG

Create a new sketch on the front plane, and draw a circle with diameter 94 mm. Then extrude out to 50 mm. [Boss-Extrude2]

Lever arm ring #4.PNG

Create a new sketch on the top plane, and draw a circle with diameter 25.4. Create two construction lines to define its location.

Lever arm ring #7.PNG

Cutting through the sketch region using Extrude Cut. [Cut-Extrude1]

Create a new sketch on the front plane, and draw two circles, centered at the origin.(One with diameter 95mm, another is 37mm).

Finally, extrude out the sketch plane to 2.5mm.[Boss-Extrude3]

Resulting image for lever arm ring.PNG

The resulting part.

Ball Bearing Fastener

ballbearing fastner.PNG

History Tree for Ball Bearing Fastener

fastener_ballbeatring history tree.PNG

Base sketch for ballbearing fastener.PNG

Create a new sketch on the front plane, and draw two circles, centered at the origin. (One with diameter 77mm, and another with diameter 35.5 mm)

ballbearing fastener#2.PNG

Extrude out the base sketch to 4.3mm [ Boss-Extrude_whole]

ballbearing fastner.PNG

The resulting part.

Wheel Fastener

wheel fastener.PNG

History Tree for Wheel Fastener

fastener_ballbeatring history tree.PNG

Base sketch fastener_wheel.PNG

Create a new sketch on the front plane, and draw two concentric circles, centered at the origin. (Larger one with diameter 23 mm, and smaller one with diameter 13mm)


Extrude out to 18.5 mm.[Boss-Extrude1]

Create a new sketch at top of the extruded circle, and draw a circle with diameter 13mm, centered at the origin. Extrude cut the circle to 30 mm. [ Cut-Extrude1]

wheel fastener.PNG

The resulting part.

Lever Arm System Assembly

Resulting image for lever arm system.PNG

History Tree of Lever Arm System Assembly

lever arm system hisory (1).PNG

History Tree of Lever Arm System Assembly

Lever arm system hisory tree(2).PNG

Lever arm system #2.PNG

Insert the parts into a new assembly. ( Lever arm ring, Ball bearing ring , two socket head cap screw [part number: 93235A355 in Master Carr], BallBearing[part number: 5972K503 in Master Carr, Lever arm, adaptor, Stainless steel nut[part number:94777A102 in Master Carr] , Handle Adaptor)

Create a coincident mate between lever arm’s face and ball bearing’s face.[Coincident8]

Lever arm system #3.PNG

Create a concentric mate between the edge of lever arm ring and the edge of ballbearing ring. [Concentric7]

Lever arm system #4.PNG

Create a parallel mate between the front plane of lever arm ring and the front plane of Ballbearing ring. [Parallel9]

Lever arm system #5.PNG

Create a concentric mate between the face of Ballbearing ring and the face of Ballbearing, and select the lock rotation. [Concentric 1]

Lever arm system #6.PNG

Create a coincident mate between the face of lever arm ring and the face of ball bearing. [Coincident 1]

Lever arm system #7.PNG

Create a concentric mate between lever arm ring and the lever arm, so that the lever arm can go through the lever arm ring, and locking the rotation.[Concentric 2]

Lever arm system #8.PNG

Create a concentric mate between the screw and the lever arm’s hole, and lock the rotation, [Concentric 3]

Lever arm system #9.PNG

Create a tangent mate between the socket screw and the lever arm. [ Tangent1]

Lever arm system #10.PNG

Repeat step 8 and step 9, creating concentric mate and tangent mate between the screw and the lever arm’s hole. [Concentric 7 & Tangent 3]

Lever arm system #11.PNG

Create a concentric mate between edges of lever arm and the edges adapter. [Concentric 9]

Lever arm system #12.PNG

Create a concentric mate between screw and the nut and then lock rotation. [Concentric 12]

Lever arm system #13.PNG

Create a tangent mate between the lever arm and the nut. [Tangent 15]

Lever arm system #14.PNG

Repeat the step 12 and step 12, creating a concentric mate and tangent mate between the screw and the lever arm’s hole. [Concentric 13 & Tangent 16]

Lever arm system #15.PNG

Create a tangent mate between the face of lever arm ring and the edge nut. [Tangent 17]

Lever arm system #16.PNG

Select reference geometry, and click Axis. Create a coincident mate between the axis of the lever arm and the axis of adapter. [Coincident 6]

Lever arm system #17.PNG

Create three Concentric mates between lever arm and handle adaptor. [Concentric 14 & Concentric 15&Concentric 17]

Resulting image for lever arm system.PNG

The resulting assembly.