Lick Activated Security Box
Today I present my Lick Activated Security Box. I made this box for of security reasons. You might say that someone would put a wet paper towel on the sensor to get in, but I believe people will not want to touch something someone licks. The storage compartment of the box is approximately 4x3x0.5 in. In this you can store money, Arduinos, and whatever you want to.
When plugged in the Arduino constantly checks if there is any liquid on the water sensor. Once it detects water it turns off the red LED and turns on the green LED. Next, it moves the servo to open position at 0 degrees. The closing process is the exact opposite of the opening process. After 10 seconds of open position it will check if there is still water. If water still remains, it will close briefly and open until water is no longer present.
With every product used, I will leave a link for the best and cheapest one I could find. I used,
1 water sensor:
1 servo motor:
1 green LED:
1 red LED:
1 Arduino Micro:
Cut the Cardboard Pieces
Using the pictures provided, cut cardboard to the given measurements
Wire the Electronics
The picture isn't necessarily the best, so I will describe the wiring
for the negative and positive do what works best for you. I will describe the digital and analog pins used.
water sensor signal goes to A0
servo signal pin goes to digital 12
green LED goes to digital 9
red LED goes to digital 8
That is the correct sequence of wiring
// This code is written by Easto-INC! shared on on Feb 26, 2022. If used, please credit me appropriately as Easto-INC! Thank you!
#include <Servo.h>
Servo lid;
#define signal_pin 5
int water = 0;
int servo_pin = 12;
int ON = 9;
int OFF = 8;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(OFF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ON, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
water = analogRead(signal_pin);
digitalWrite(OFF, HIGH);
//Serial.print("Water level: ");
if (water > 10) {
digitalWrite(OFF, LOW);
digitalWrite(ON, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ON, LOW);
digitalWrite(OFF, HIGH);
Assemble the Box
In this process, I put everything together with hot glue and the corresponding parts. This is the hardest part of the entire box. When you install the wall between electronics and the holding compartment, push the wall as far back as possible. When cutting the cardboard pieces, make them as straight and even as possible! It makes the final product so much easier to use. Another thing to make sure of is that it works before you install the wall!
The Box Is Complete!
This is the complete Lick Activated Box. Thank you for viewing this intractable!