Lighting Wand Wizard
I am Sandeep Ravidas, Kaggalipura.
I am here to show how to prepare a Lighting wand wizard.
Collection of Matterials
Materials Required
1.A paper gum tape
2. Decorative stones
3. woolen
4.2 batteries
5. 1 light
6. wires
first let us combine 2 batteries shown in the pictures along with wire on either side of batteries with tape.
now to make the wire stiff take a stick or any stiff material tie it with tape along wire.
and then cover it with gum tape as shown in the picture.
now we have to paint the covered wand with any color, bind the woolen on the wand, paste some decorative stone on the wand,
and in the end the connection which is at the bottom of the wand to light the wand we have to connect it and the light glows.
Out-coming Stage(Show)
And finally
by holding at the bottom connection of wire light glows.
this is light wand wizards.
Thank You
Happy Independence Day INDIA.
Happy birthday Harry Potter.