Linux World Tour Graphic
- "Linux World Tour" graphic that includes an image of Tux the Penguin.
- Includes PNG and PDF files
- LibreOffice file is attached as .txt file; be sure to delete the .txt from the file name in order to use
- You can also purchase items with this graphic on it from here:
- LibreOffice
Distributions listed on the back are: Debian, Fedora, Slackware, MxLinux, Mint, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Arch, antiX, CentOs, Kali, Qubes, Knoppix, Gentoo, Puppy, Manjaro, LXLE, Pop, Endeavour, Solus, Deepin, LinuxFx, Arco, Lite, Q4OS, Sparky, Alpine, Xubuntu, Bluestar, Parrot, Void, Kaos, PureOS, 4mLinux