MAT238 - Assignment 2
This series of objects has been created by modulating a curved line in Rhino.
A Creality Ender 3 Pro has been used for this object. Object scale set to 60%.
Initial Curve
First, you have to draw a curve in Rhino. Control Point Curves are easier to manipulate.
Secondly, you have to create a surface of revolution in Grasshopper. See attached screenshot.
Multiplication + Stacking
Thirdly, you have to create a second curve and repeat the same process to create the second object that will fit into the first one. You don't have to follow the curvature of the first one as long as the second object fits inside the first one. Then you can apply a python object in grasshopper and multiply the second object to create a stack.
Finally, export the objects in separate .stl files and import them in a Slicer such as Cura. Proceed with the slicing after generating the appropriate supports and send it to the 3D printer.