MS-DOS Batch Fun
Hello everyone! We are going to see the secrets and workings of MS-DOS!
Commands, Commands, Commands.
Here is a GREAT link for commands
"But... what if I want to run a LOT of commands repeatly without getting tired?" You say. Well... that`s were BATCH files come in. Let`s do a run-down of batch files, I don`t mind if you build off them, if, IF you give me credit for the original batch.
Crazy Cmd
Number #1: CrAzY cmd
@echo off
title Cmd.exe
color 0F
set /p UI=c:/.
GOTO top
save as Cmd.bat
if you`re not using Wine replace c:/. with c:/>
For some thing crazy to happen type >>CMD.BAT || or >CMD.BAT ||
@echo off
title Cmd.exe
color 0F
set /p UI=c:/.
GOTO top
save as Cmd.bat
if you`re not using Wine replace c:/. with c:/>
For some thing crazy to happen type >>CMD.BAT || or >CMD.BAT ||
number #2 : MyCMD
:start ::this is optional onless you know you will want to reset with goto start.
@echo off
color 0a
title MyCMD
echo Welcome.
set /p command= ::Your prompt here.
goto Top
:start ::this is optional onless you know you will want to reset with goto start.
@echo off
color 0a
title MyCMD
echo Welcome.
set /p command= ::Your prompt here.
goto Top
Crazy Nethack
#3: Annoying NetHack
You ever heard of the console(CMD, BASH, SH, etc.) game NetHack?
This batch can(And will.) annoy any Windows newbie swapping from Linux.
Note:Place in System32 or it won`t work.
@echo off
title Error
echo Your operating system is not supported
echo Version:
GOTO top
Save as nethack.bat
You ever heard of the console(CMD, BASH, SH, etc.) game NetHack?
This batch can(And will.) annoy any Windows newbie swapping from Linux.
Note:Place in System32 or it won`t work.
@echo off
title Error
echo Your operating system is not supported
echo Version:
GOTO top
Save as nethack.bat
Some Hacks I Found Out.
How to get back to the directory that the batch file is in no matter where it is!:
CD %~dp0
How to loop for a preset amount of times:
set /a loopvar=10
:: ^How many times to loop.
::Replace ECHO %loopvar% with your commands
echo %loopvar%
if %loopvar% EQU 1 (
goto endloop
) ELSE (
goto loop)
Done, Already??
Yep, we are done.