Make a Flamethrower
This is a flamethrower I made from tons of random junk in my garage. I know that a candle duct taped to a gasoline-filled super-soaker is hundreds of times easier and more firey-er, but this is still pretty tight :).
Oh, and i'm not liable for anything you do with this so dont sue me or you'll look like a tard
Shizzle You Nizzle (shit You Need)
One (1) garage full of random parts of things that have been there for ten years
An old bike with metal clamp-breaks (preferably aluminum. no super strong steel or titanium. that's why the bike has to be OLD)
An electronic jet-flame lighter
A small fire extinguisher wall mounter
A can that fits in that holder
Nuts (the metal ones and the kind between your legs)
A dremel with a cutting bit
A face mask
A vice
A good idea of how you are going to make the thing
An IQ slightly above average
One (1) garage full of random parts of things that have been there for ten years
An old bike with metal clamp-breaks (preferably aluminum. no super strong steel or titanium. that's why the bike has to be OLD)
An electronic jet-flame lighter
A small fire extinguisher wall mounter
A can that fits in that holder
Nuts (the metal ones and the kind between your legs)
A dremel with a cutting bit
A face mask
A vice
A good idea of how you are going to make the thing
An IQ slightly above average
Mounting the Brakes
1.) Get your old bike and remove the FRONT BRAKE (this one has a shorter cable, which we need). MAKE SURE TO LEAVE THE SCREW THAT HOLDS THE BRAKE TOGETHER INTACT. Take all the other shizzle off the handle bar and pull it off.
2.) Drill a hole in the handlebar pipe that is about three or four inches down the pipe. This is going to hold the brake onto the bar.
3.) Drill a hole closer to the end of the pipe (like dang near on the end). This will hold the bottom part of the brake and give us leverage to push the aresol spray button and the lighter.
4.) Unscrew the brake pads from their little slots, and hold the brake in your vice. Bend the little thingy the pads were screwed to all the way around, until it is facing the opposite direction.
5.) Screw everything down.
6.) Re-attach the thing you squeeze (now the trigger) to the other end of the handle bar. slide on the grip.
2.) Drill a hole in the handlebar pipe that is about three or four inches down the pipe. This is going to hold the brake onto the bar.
3.) Drill a hole closer to the end of the pipe (like dang near on the end). This will hold the bottom part of the brake and give us leverage to push the aresol spray button and the lighter.
4.) Unscrew the brake pads from their little slots, and hold the brake in your vice. Bend the little thingy the pads were screwed to all the way around, until it is facing the opposite direction.
5.) Screw everything down.
6.) Re-attach the thing you squeeze (now the trigger) to the other end of the handle bar. slide on the grip.
Mounting the Can Holder
1.) Rummage around your garage (or hardware store) and find an L-shaped roofing joint. It should have 2 holes per side
2.) Screw it in with the thing you screwed in earlier (look at pics)
3.) Find a flat piece of metal about 3/4 of a foot long. Three holes in it. This will be for mounting the can holder.
4.) Screw the can holder to the metal piece to the L-thing. Use washers where necessary.
5.) If you used long screws, cut off the excess screw with the dremel. ONLY THE BOTTOM TWO THOUGH!!
2.) Screw it in with the thing you screwed in earlier (look at pics)
3.) Find a flat piece of metal about 3/4 of a foot long. Three holes in it. This will be for mounting the can holder.
4.) Screw the can holder to the metal piece to the L-thing. Use washers where necessary.
5.) If you used long screws, cut off the excess screw with the dremel. ONLY THE BOTTOM TWO THOUGH!!
Mounting the Lighter Holder
1.) Look on the back of your old bike. Does it have a metal reflector holder? If you answered no, then sucs to you, because this piece fit mainly from luck, and you'll have to find something else.
2.) Take off the reflector and find another L-shaped thing with 2 holes per side. Using smaller screws, screw the L-shaped thing to the reflector holder (where the reflector was).
3.) Bent the L-shaped thingy so that it can wrap around the front of the lighter.
4.) Remember that screw I told you not to cut? Good. Put another nut on it and tighten it down until the brake-mounting screw impeded its progress. Put the lighter holder on the screw and screw it down with another nut.
5.) Stick the lighter in it's new holder, and tighten it down.
2.) Take off the reflector and find another L-shaped thing with 2 holes per side. Using smaller screws, screw the L-shaped thing to the reflector holder (where the reflector was).
3.) Bent the L-shaped thingy so that it can wrap around the front of the lighter.
4.) Remember that screw I told you not to cut? Good. Put another nut on it and tighten it down until the brake-mounting screw impeded its progress. Put the lighter holder on the screw and screw it down with another nut.
5.) Stick the lighter in it's new holder, and tighten it down.
Mounting the Button-Pusher
1.) Remove the back brakes. take the cable off, and unscrew the screw holding the brake together. Take the brake pads off.
2.) Keep the piece in the picture, you don't need the rest (it's the longer curved-piece).
3.) Cut the piece you just kept as shown in the picture.
4.) Mount it to the brake above your spray can.
5.) Bend the piece and adjust it so that, in its resting position, it is touching both the can nozzle and the lighter button.
2.) Keep the piece in the picture, you don't need the rest (it's the longer curved-piece).
3.) Cut the piece you just kept as shown in the picture.
4.) Mount it to the brake above your spray can.
5.) Bend the piece and adjust it so that, in its resting position, it is touching both the can nozzle and the lighter button.
Congratulations, you now have a super awesome home made flamethrower. Go burn stuff and try not to kill yourself!!!