Make a Space Mecha Cow Controller for "Attack of the Bric-a-Brac"

by CD3 VACHE in Craft > Cardboard

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Make a Space Mecha Cow Controller for "Attack of the Bric-a-Brac"


In this tutorial, we will be building a cow-shaped controller for the free game "Attack of the Bric-a-Brac," which can be downloaded here: The controller will be made using cardboard arcade kit.

The controller will also be ~105cm in height and 120cm deep and 80cm large.


  • Cardboard (the most large, tall and rigid you can find, and as much as you can find)

  • 6 Cardboard tubes smaller diameter

  • 6 Cardboard tubes bigger diameter

  • 6 rubber bands (you'll need strong one, but still flexible without pushing too strongly on it)

  • 1 cutter, or if you can't find one, a good knife

  • 2 Transparent packing tapes

  • 2 Strong packing tape

  • 1 Double faced tape

  • 1 Arcade kit (7 buttons)

  • 3/4 White spray paint (optional)

  • 1 Black spray paint

  • 1 Pink acrylic paint

  • 1 White acrylic paint

  • 1 Velcro band (optional)



Bend a piece of cardboard in order to see 4 distinct pieces, so you'll be able to shape it like the photos of step 2



Bend the piece of cardboard to get the same shape as a photo. Put it on a cardboard (not one of step 1).

Then tape the edges that are bent together (don't tape them to the cardboard below)

Drawing and Cutting


Draw the silouhette of the shape you made in step 2 on the cardboard below.

Then cut it out of the cardboard using a cutter or a knife (please remember that you only have 10 fingers, don't lose 1). Use this piece to cut out a second one. (These 2 pieces will be used as the sides of the head)

Back of the Head


Use a cardboard and bend it to get the piece that is higlighted in green (remember that there are bentable edges on all the sides except the bottom one). And tape it to the piece you made in step 2. Now you'll get the front and the back of the head.

We recommend doing this manipulation by putting your pieces on the side.

Side of the Head

Capture 2.PNG

While the whole head is on the side, do the same manipulation as step 3, but for the parts that remains empty ( just don't make the same pieces that you cut in step 2).

Remember that you will need bentable edges to tape them with the rest of the structure. (Always think about them, if you realize you don't need them in the end, you can always cut them off.)

The Rise


Your structure should now be able to be put on the intended position.

Put it up, on a cardboard, and cut the bottom part out, like in step 2.

Then tape it, so, your structure will become strudy.

The Doorway

Capture 4.PNG

Now that the structure is perfectly standing, cut out a door in the back of the head (don't forget to tape a piece of cardboard that stick out of the door to make the opening easier.

The Grand Opening

Capture 5.PNG

Cut a trapdoor, and put velcro straps on it, to be able to lift it, and then stick it, so it remains open.

If you don't want to struggle with that part, you can just cut off a rectangle, like in the photo



Spray paint the cow in white ! Don't be like me and please wear a mask, I regretted not doing it, while after 1hour of painting, I felt like my head was about to explode like it was a Micheal Bay movie.

You can also paint the nose in pink, we recommend acrylic paint instead of spray paint for the nose part. Mix pink paint with white paint, add a little bit of whater, and here you go.

At the end of the project, If you have cardboard leftovers, you can cut them in spot like shapes, paint them in black, and tape it to the cow with double faced packing tape.

The Pistons


/!\ Here our tubes are made out of PVC pipes because an other group stole our cardboard tubes /!\

/!\ As PVC is way heavier than cardboard the engine won't be able to hold the pistons/!\

For your Mecha to work properly, you'll need a good engine, and so you'll need good pistons.

Cut your 6 larger tube in pieces of about 10cm (keep the spare pieces in case of you mess up)

Cut your 6 smaller tube in about 20cm pieces.

Still Pistons


On one edge of each longer tube, cut two rectangle of abour 1*1 cm each.

Then cut your rubber bands in halves.

Take your pieces of rubber band and tape it on the smaller tubes.

Once its done, you can put the longer tubes inside of the smaller ones, with the cut off face facing the rubber band.

Align the holes with the rubber band, and they should "clip" together.

The Engine


Make an Octagon with cardboard the diameter should be about 47 cm.

Make holes that have a slightly lesser diameter than the "pistons", in order for the pistons to stay in place, you'll have to force them through the holes .

Don't forget to make 2 caps to close this octagon

Hum, More Octagon

okto 1.PNG

Make an Octagon shaped box.Its size shall be a little lesser than the one you made the step before. The green rectangle is the arduino chip, and the grey ones are cable attached to buttons.

You have to make holes that are a bit less than the diameter of a button on 6 sides of the octagon. In order to keep the button in place you'll have to "force" them through the holes. Use sturdy cardboard for the box.

Put Together


Assemble the box like the images.

Get Ready


Fix the engine to the surface that is highlighted in green, then, plug the cable to your pc, and you are good to go !

