Make a USB Clip On
Step 1
How to make a USB Clip on. Option 1 Download the CAD model and slice it so that it is vertical. Make sure you use supports. Supports should look like a hand gripping the USB. (If you go this route you will have to file the USB ports, because I did not allow for tolerance.
Step 2
3d print the file and remove the supports. If the handle of the USB broke like mine did
a. tape/hot glue it on
b. use a popsicle stick and tape.
Step 3
File the USB ports and enjoy.
Option 2
If you decided to make it your self here are the dimensions I used. 12 MM long, 4.5 mm tall. Based on the feedback I got, I would recommend making the hole 14 mm and 8.5 mm to allow for tolerances. For USB-C ports I used were 8.5 mm long and 2.4 mm high, so I suggest using 9.5 mm and 3.4 mm for USB-C. IF you go this route, you do not have to use the design I chose. Extrude the holes 6 mm.
Have a good day!!