Make a Gluten Free Sugar Free Dairy Free (and Yet Still Delicious) Chocolate Cake
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Make a Gluten Free Sugar Free Dairy Free (and Yet Still Delicious) Chocolate Cake
It won't be the fluffiest cake in the world, but then I'm not much of a fluffy cake baker even if I did use sugar and wheat flour and dairy. I'm more of a cross country cook really. This one does have eggs in it, although I'm aware there are egg replacement options for those poor souls unable to consume eggs.
The other nice thing about this recipe is it's so versatile, you can add several alternatives if you don't have all the ingredients, and it stops you getting bored with it.
1/2 cup Dairy free margarine (Nuttelex, there's also a new macadamia margarine, olive oil margarines etc) but if you can tolerate dairy then butter is fine
1/2 cup cocoa
4 squares sugar free chocolate or unsweetened chocolate
2/3 cup fructose or palm sugar or xylitol - I like a mix of palm sugar and xylitol, as there is less of a glycemic hit for my body to process . Alternatively, try a third of a cup plus a third of a cup of rice syrup, maple syrup or pear/apple juice concentrate - but if you use a syrup you can take out a tablespoon of the margarine as the syrup adds moisture. If you like a bit less sweetness, just cut the quantities down to taste.
2 eggs
1/3 cup buckwheat flour
1/3 cup brown rice flour (to lighten the buckwheat )
1/2 teaspoon gluten free baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Optional extras
1/2 cup walnuts, pecans, coconut, blueberries, or anything else you like the taste of with chocolate cake.
A little note about the flour - buckwheat is a little heavy on its own; sometimes i've used coconut flour, but it's heavy too, which is why i mix in some rice flour - if you prefer you could use another lightening flour like corn flour, amaranth flour or potato flour. Alternately you could use one of the gluten free flour mixes on the market. As i'm also not able to eat potato (it's one of those nasty deadly nightshades that arthritics should avoid) many of the commercial mixes are out for me.
There a lot of information on the gluten free flours available on the web if you want to go looking.
(I've made a double batch here, so you'll see twice the ingredients listed above in the photos)
Prepare and Assemble
Assemble your ingredients to make sure you have everything you need. I can't tell you how many times i've started making something only to find i have to run out to the shops to get eggs/margarine/baking powder. Not the most organized cook in the world here, hence the instructions...
I like to set up my recipe somewhere handy to read it as i go along. I got to the end of a cake baking expedition only to find the eggs sitting quietly by the sink. That cake didn't quite work out so well.
Very important: test your eggs to make sure they are fresh enough to cook with. Put them in a glass of water and see if they float. If they do throw them away being careful not to break them or you could have a very smelly kitchen. Rotten eggs fill up with hydrogen sulfide which causes them not only to be supremely odiferous, but to float, which is handy because you don't have to crack them to see if they will stink you out.
I like to prepare all my ingredients for the making stage to make it all go smoothly, but more often i just do things as i go along. So for this one i prepared the flours, and chopped the chocolate to be ready ahead.
Making the Batter...
Add chocolate and stir to melting.
Add cocoa and stir well.
Add sweeteners, eggs and vanilla.
Mix until shiny and smooth.
Add flour, baking powder and salt.
Mix well.
Add choc chips, nuts, blueberries etc as desired.
Baking the Cake
Bake for 15-20 minutes.
While it's baking, clean up the mixing pan... (you wouldnt want to waste it now would you??)
Do not over bake, unless you like your cake dry.
Check to See If Cooked, Then Eat...
When it's cooked, remove from oven and allow to cool. Flip out of the pan onto a nice plate, then eat while warm with a dollop of whatever you like to eat with your cake - i've made up an 'icing' out of the margarine, some palm sugar, vanilla and cocoa, but i've also had it before with soy cream cheese made into icing, or soy sugarfree gelato.
In fact i like this best plain - i can store it in the fridge for a few days without a problem, and like it cut up into small squares to have with a nice cuppa.
And best of all - not much washing up at all.
Do let me know if you like it, and if you think of other interesting things to do to improve or vary the recipe.
Evolve and Improve Recipe to Suit Yourself....
Over the years since I posted this instructable the cake I've ended up making is even simpler and tastier but is essentially the same idea. The recipe I follow now is this:
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Mix wet ingredients:
- 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon rice bran oil
- ¼ cup palm syrup or maple syrup
- 2 tablespoons palm or coconut sugar (optional – if you don’t have any make it a third of a cup of syrup
- 2 fresh eggs – in a double batch I use 5 eggs.
- 1 tablespoon vanilla or vanilla powder
For Chocolate version - melt 4 - 6 squares chocolate (I make my own coconut sugar sweetened chocolate) and add to the wet batter when cooled enough not to poach the eggs.
In bowl mix together oil, palm syrup and palm sugar, stir with wooden spoon until a nice dark even mixture. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix thoroughly with spoon until the eggs have combined nicely into the mix.
Then sift together dry ingredients:
- 1 cup almond (or hazelnut) meal
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon bicarb soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
For Chocolate cake
- 1/2 cup cacao or cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
For Spice cake with Berries
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon nutmeg
- Pinch of cloves if you like too
After mixing stir in:
3/4 - 1 cup frozen blueberries or cherries (frozen seems to give good moistness) - you can also try other fruits fresh frozen or canned, just be sure to drain canned fruit well.
Sift dry ingredients together. Add flour mixture to the wet mix, mix well again. Pour into a lined or greased lamington pan, or muffin pan with those little cupcake papers.
Bake for 12 minutes then test by pressing lightly in the middle, if it springs back, insert a clean butter knife. If it comes out with batter, cook another 5 minutes and test again. When the knife comes out clean, with a few beads of moisture, it’s done. Cool for 10 minutes in pan before removing onto wire rack to finish cooling. You can serve with coconut cream or whatever you like, but it’s quite nice on its own. I always bake a double batch in a 8 x 12 inch tray because it goes so fast with a crowd.
You can wrap up and freeze if you have leftovers. Notice I said ‘if’ J