Man Cave
I moved into my wifes mothers house, and the garage was full of old stuff collected over the years, so i decided to turn it into my own Man Cave !
First I had to take everything out, and throw away the old stuff that wasnt needed, this took about 3 days ....
Next, some of the wall was missing in the back of the garage, so I hung some up from lowes
Next was the paint, I wanted to do something cool, so i made 2 different color diamonds
First I cleaned the walls, and painted them gray
Next I measured the wall and ran tape down so that it formed diamonds
I then painted every other diamond black, then the others green
after the paint dried, i removed the tape, and there you go, diamonds
next I made the bar, the first thing i did was take an old metal rack in the garage and cut it down, then I attached wood to the sides that had brick pattern on it, then added a wooden top and painted it black
Next I painted the old book shelves black and darkened the wood.
next I put up all the bottles, and sports crap I had
I also made a poker table, and added tv and pool table