Manga Eyes Step by Step!
How to draw easy, professional-looking manga eyes!
You Will Need...
One sharpened pencil
One working, non smudging eraser
One piece of paper
One working, non smudging eraser
One piece of paper
Start Drawing!
Draw the basic shape of the eye. The concave area in it is the light spot. It can be in anyplace you want but make sure that the light spots are in the same place on both eyes.
Draw the pupil in the center of the eye. It should be partially "blocked" by the light spot. Color it in with your pencil.
Start shading the eye in. Start very dark at the top and fade as you go down. DO NOT SHADE IN THE LIGHT SPOT! End with no or barely any shading directly under the pupil.
Admire your beautiful work of art (no pictures needed). ;)