Mario Automaton
Everyone's favourite plumber is sure to be popular in most household. So here is how to make a Mario automaton.
The templates have all come from MAKE: Craft
Materials & Tools
Paper card
Stanley Knife
Step 1:
Print Templates:
Step 2:
Glue the templates on thicker paper:
Step 3:
Using a hobby knife, cut the templates out:
Step 4:
Fold the net as shown:
Step 5:
Cut out the next cube-net and fold as shown:
Step 6:
Cut out white bits
Step 7:
Cut out the large cylinder net and roll and glue it.
Step 8:
Cut out the 2 red spirals and glue them together like so:
Step 9:
Cut out the 2 red spirals and glue them together like so:
Step 10:
Insert cylinder in to cube and attach red cam.
Step 11
Insert triangular pole with character in to cube.