Everybody knows about most popular firmware for various 3d printers named as Marlin Firmware. Its ability is so wide and extends quickly due to a lot of people working about it.
Huge amount of options and abilities confuses everybody, who sees it at first time.
For simplifying and speed-up configuration process with the firmware - I want to introduce this tool
It works on Windows, Mac OS, Linux (.deb and .AppImage)
1. Go to the github releases page and download file for your operation system
2. There is one dependency for work it is GIT . It must be installed before with default configuration, if you don't have it
At first You need just any empty folder(on your desktop or home folder - do not use a name folder "Marlin" !!!) where will be deployed the marlin repository.
Then run the marlin-conf application and choose this folder, after selecting folder it will download the firmware (it can take a minute - real size of repository about 50 Mb)
At second run you can select the same folder and it will be faster, because will be used previous downloaded repository
Uploading Your Previous Configuration
There are two ways upload your previous configuration: drag these files into browser or open these from from folder on the disk using 'Upload' -> 'Files' button
There are four tabs in this application and each has sections
For quick navigation you can use right sided navigation bar
Each line has yellow button with sigh '?' at the end - which can help you to understand the option
Also helpful can be 'G-codes' tab
Compilation and Uploading Firmware
If you have installed Arduino and like this project - just open from it this folder and do it
But here is another way to compile and firmware your hardware is PlatformIO project which support a lot of platforms and IoT devices and do it quickly
After its installation, described on project page and restarting marlin-conf application, you can press 'Compile' button and all packages and libraries will be downloaded and installed automatically
If compilation is succeeded - press 'Flash' button to firmware your device
Interacting With Printer
This step can be used at any time(without customizing and flashing)
Press 'Consoles' button - and in new window you get list of your serial ports with ability to select speed and open it
Also you can use 'Command' helper to operate with printer's head - it so usable when debugging hardware and firmware
On main page of application is the tab with G-codes - It can help you too