Milk Jug Mask
The reason for making this mask was to find a fun and effective way to recycle plastics as well as other daily life objects to reduce landfill wastes. Only about three percent of Polypropylene plastic products are accepted by U.S. recycling companies. Ninety-one percent of plastics aren't even recycled at all. Milk jug masks could provide as a piece to a Halloween costume or just as wall decoration. Other ideas for milk jugs would be planters. They can withstand nature's elements which is actually why plastics are such a problem for earth. Plastic bags can take up from 10-1000 years to decompose while plastic bottles take around 450 years and up. Hopefully after having fun with this instructable, children (our future generation) will see the importance of recycling and cleaning the earth. Also, when making your own inscrutable, take account of the ten phases of the engineering process!
Research different mask shapes. Think back to Kindergarten or art class in general to warm and cool colors. Make a picture in your head of what the mask/decor is to look like.
Label Cutouts
Sketch face on milk jug with the handle acting as the nose. Use pencil the first time and go back over with a permanent pen or marker.
Cut Excess Materials
Use scissors for the major parts of the milk jug. Cut the backside away. Use a box cutter for the details like the eyes and mouth.
Apply Decorations!
This step is completely up to you and your taste in style. For my design I will use black and white magazine pages using liquid glue. If you follow this process, allow it to dry overnight. Another option is to simply paint the mask but this may take longer to get the same effect and will require multiple coats.