Mini Bow Cushion
I learned sewing from my mom when I was young, used to sew a lot when I was in college.
This was my first project on my new machine, I used left over fabric to sew this mini cushion. It took me about 30 mins to make including cutting and finishing.
So here is How I made this two way Mini Decorative Bow Cushion...
Fabric of your choice and matching thread
Sewing Machine
First measure your cushion, then cut the cloth leaving 1/2 inch seam allowance I used one long continuing strip of cloth as you can see in the picture.
Join the two edges to create a slit on the back of the cushion
Prepare these three pieces, Main fabric for cushion cover, hemmed strip for the bow (about 1/3 the width of the cushion should work fine) and a hemmed fabric loop (you can use same width as the bow strip just sew it to make a ring)
First finish the hem on the slit on the back of cushion. Fold and sew one side while sandwiching the strip for bow between the front and back, as you came to the opposite side, slide in the loop and then sew
You can attach a small button on the loop of the bow to make it cuter, I didn't attach the loop to my bow as I wanted to get this side look as well