Mini Painting Travel Station
I enjoy painting little miniatures for table top gaming. This hobby can go off the rails very quickly in cost and supplies. However I decided to use a built in constraint to help limit myself from buying things I would not need as well as allowing me to travel with all my tools wherever I would like.
Empty Box or Container (Tubberware would work great)
Some scrap wood and foam
All your miniature painting supplies and tool
Find a Box!
This part was harder than I thought but I found and old drill bit box in the garage I was able to repurpose, tubberware was another option for me. Once I have the box I created a little wooden organization tool (Pictured above) I used this structure to divide the box into sections to help keep the contents organized and tight.
Please note the box has cut up straws attached to it to help hold brushes as well as holes drill into it to act as a wet brush holder during work. This part is the heart of the organization and can be made to fit anyone's needs.
Inventory What Needs to Fit
This is where the benefit of a set box size really helps to purge what you DON'T need. I went through all my mini painting supplies and made a list of "must haves". All my "must haves" and a few "wants" ended up fitting in the box nice and neatly.
I will leave a list of my supplies your inventory will vary.
Handle for holding Miniatures while painting (blue tac holds them in place)
Wet Pallet made from old Altoid tin (This keeps the small amount of paint moist while working)
5 Brushes
Shading Oil
Spare wax paper and pads (Wet Pallet)
Distilled Water in a dropper (When clean water isn't available)
Silicone cupcake cup for water and cleaning brushes
Soap in an old chapstix tube to help clean bristles
14 different paint colors
Misc. shaping tools to prep minis before painting
Play Tetris
What I found as the most fun part was trying to get all these paints and supplies to fit in the limited space. After a few hours this is the lay out I felt worked best for me.
I started by laying the spare wax sheets in the box, then covered them with a scrap piece of foam to add a spacer. Next I placed the dividing block with brush storage in place, this allowed me to then add the paints nice and snuggly. After that it was a simple process of adding the wet pallet, water, handle, oil, soap, and ever a small multi tool just in case.
Pack It Up and Go
When everything fits you can grab it and go! This project was more about designing a way to help limit my options and organize a messy area but the portability is great! Thank you for reading! If you like this organization please vote.