Mission Impossible Styled Chat

by samueloppong in Circuits > Computers

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Mission Impossible Styled Chat


This is a serious Military Styled Secured chat to make all your friends jealous.

Launch Notepad


Open Notepad by pressing the Windows Key + R and typing notepad or Click Start and type notepad.

Type Code Into Notepad


Type code into notepad.

Below is line by line syntax for the code.

@echo off
Title Secured Chat %random%

echo This Is A Secured Chat - Authorisation Number:%random%

echo ---------------------------------------------------

echo. set /p username=User ID:

echo %username% has joined! > join.dat

set /p message=Say:

goto ip

for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=:" %%a in ('ipconfig^|find "IPv4"') do set ip=%%b set ip=%ip:~1%

goto send

echo %username%@%ip%:(%time%)GMT -- %message% >> log.dat

goto message

You can replace %message% >>log.dat with log.dat as that would save the file in the same folder you would run tha chat programme.

Receivers Code


@echo off
Title Secured Chat Ops %random% color 0b

cls type join.dat echo. type log.dat

echo. timeout /t 1 >nul

goto read

Check It Out!!!

Now comes the time where you can test the full chat. Type in your name, and say something. Boom! You just made a secured mission impossible styled chat program which shows you even the IP Address of the sender. Now all you have to do to chat with others is share the folder with them!

Download the attached files and play with the Secured Chat Program.

PS: Feel free to rename the files to whatever you desire. Enjoy!!!