Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) #HMS
I will show you how to make Thor's hammer
Things You Need.
What you need
1 long wood stick
1 liquid glue any kind
2 Styrofoam cubes
1 Spray-paint Silver color
1 knife
1 sharpie
Glue Both Styrofoam Cubes Together
put glue on one cube and stack the other one on top.
wait at least 5 to 10 mins to dry.
Spray Paint
once the glue is dry bring the objects outside.make sure that you have a cardboard and your spray paint.when you spray paint make sure you are at least 3 to 4 feet away from the object.after painting both objects let it dry for 30 mins.
Designing the Hammer
get your knife and cut the sides then get your sharpie and draw the design.
get your stick make sure its dry.you will have to get your type and your brown leather rope.
wrap the leather rope around the stick then type each side.after your finish with the stick cut a hole in the center of the two cubes.
stick both objects together then pure a small amount of glue in the middle.