Mosaic Flower Pot
Here is a quick and easy tutorial on how you can make this mosaic flower pot!
Gather the Materials
Materials Needed:
- Tiles
- Glue for tiles
- Ceramic Pot
- Grout
- Plastic cup
- Wooden spoon to mix grout
Stick the Tiles to the Pot
Apply glue on the tile or on the pot and stick in the desired area. I would recommend a 1/8-1/4 inch distance just because it allows the grout to more easily. Don't worry about the glue showing.
Switch It Up!
Then, switch your pot! (I forgot to take pictures of the process with the yellow-and-blue pot so this will be shown. This is a joke.)
Make Your Grout!
Now, pour in about 1/4 cup of grout into a plastic cup, or a bigger container and add some water. The consistency in the first picture was too dry, so I added some more water to get a more watery mixture.You want it to be goopy, not watery and not clumpy, like peanut butter but thinner so more like almond butter) You're ready!
Apply the Grout
Get a good glob of grout on your hand (this dries your hands out so I went with gloves) and rub it into the clay pot. The third picture shows the end result; leave it to dry for around 3-5 minutes
Rub Off the Grout
When it is dry enough, you can rub off the grout with your fingers and then with a paper towel. Please do this near a trash can!
Here are the finished products! Now all you have left to do is adding a plant and this makes for an excellent birthday gift. Good luck!