MouseTrap Car
Today I will be showing you guys how to make your own mousetrap car.
Step 1: Materials
These will be the materials you will be needing to make a mousetrap car.
1 cardboard + small pieces of cardboard
hot glue gun
1 victor mouse trap
3 BBQ skewers & 2 dowels
A piece of Duct tape
2 straws
18 inches piece of string
8 zip ties
4 CDs
4 ballons
Step 2: What I Did First
Cut a cardboard rectangle,Then hot glued the mouse trap in the middle of the card board.
Step 3: Putting on the Wheels
I put the straw in the skewer and glued the CDs onto the skewer after that I glued them on, I put the balloons on the CDs.
Step 4: Putting the Stick on the Mouse Trap
Once the mousetrap was glued on I put the skewer on top of it and go the 8 zip ties and tightened them up. After I had it on i taped the string onto the stick.
Step 5: How I Put It All Together
I put it all together by hot glue gun and duct tape.
Now you can make a mini car powered by a mousetrap. Follow the steps carefully and your car will be ready.