Muppet Face Cup Cakes
Muppet face cup cakes.
Ideal party cakes or gift for any Muppet fan!
You will need:
Tools- Small rolling pin, circle cutter, straight edged modelling tool, ball ended modelling tool, small dry paint brush (for sticking) sharp (vegetable) knife
Materials- Green, flesh colour (I use white with 'paprika' paste colouring, but pink with a touch of light brown works well too), orange, yellow, blue (2 shades), red, pink, brown (2 shades) grey and white sugar paste, black and white royal icing (optional, can use sugar paste).
Jam to stick the paste to the cupcake. Icing sugar to prevent sticking.
If you prefer the black details can be piped in royal icing, rather than rolled from sugar paste. If so, you will also need a piping nozzle (no1.5-2), a small piping bag or grease proof paper cone, and black royal icing.
Measure the top of your cake against your circle cutters to find the right size to cover the cakes.
Cut the tops off of all the cupcakes to make them flat (If they are very flat to begin with you could skip this step), spread a small amount of jam on each cupcake (just enough to stick the icing, too much might smear out the edges while you're decorating!).
The method used for covering all of the Muppet cakes is to cut a circle from rolled out sugar paste, place it on the jammed cake and smooth down gently with the palm of your hand. The instructions below show how to decorate them after the first step.
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Cover your cake in green sugar paste.
Pinch the sides of your sugar paste circle gently to make the head slightly diamond shaped.
Roll a medium ball of white paste.
Cut it in half and flatten the pieces slightly.
Stick the pieces on centre top of your cake with a space between them.
Roll out red sugar paste thinly, cut a 'D' shape for the mouth.
Mark dimple/smile lines with your straight edged tool.
Squash a small ball of pink sugar paste between your fingers.
Stick it in the top, centre of the mouth and mark a line down the middle with your straight tool.
Roll 2 small balls and 2 small 'sausages' of black sugar paste.
Stick the lines on to the middle of the eyes at an angle (in line with the edge of his head), flatten.
Stick the balls to the middle of this line, flatten.
Cover your cake in orange sugar paste. Pinch the edges slightly at the top to make it pear shaped.
Roll out red sugar paste, cut a 'D' for the mouth.
Squash a ball of pink sugar paste into an oval. Stick on in the centre top of the mouth to make a tongue.
Mark it centre top with your straight edged tool.
Roll 2 small balls of white sugar paste, for the eyes.
Roll a small pear shape of pink sugar paste for a nose.Stick on the nose.
Stick the eyes on just above. Roll 2 small, fat pink sausages, stick them on over the top of the eyes (at a slight angle) for eyelids.
Roll a thin sausage of black paste, cut into 2 pieces and stick where the eye meets the eyelid. Trim off any excess.
Roll 2 very small black sugar paste balls, flatten on to the eyeball to make pupils.
Roll 2 balls of orange sugar paste, Stick them on to the edge of the cake a bit further apart than the eyes.
Mark the middle with your ball shaped modelling tool.
Mark around the edge of the ears with your straight edged tool to make fur pattern.
Cover your cupcake in blue. Roll out a small amount of pink sugar paste. Cut a small pink 'D'.
Roll a pink 'sausage' of sugar paste.
Roll a thick, blue 'sausage' of sugar paste. Squash it at one end. Flatten the end so that the whole piece is 'T' shaped but the main section is still round.
Stick the 'D' shaped mouth piece on, the longer piece around the bottom of it, and the blue 'nose' piece on top.
Curve the nose slightly.
Roll 2 small white balls for eyes. Roll out a yellow 'sausage' of sugar paste for eyelids. Cut the 'sausage' in half, Stick each half over an eye and trim off the excess.
Roll a thin 'sausage' of black sugar paste. Stick this over the eyes where the eyelid and eye meet. Trim off any excess. Roll 2 very small balls of black sugar paste and stick them on as eyeballs. Roll out a 'sausage' of blue sugar paste. Cut it into 3.
Lay the sections alongside each other. Stick the blue sausages on as hair.
Miss Piggy
Cover the cake in 'Skin' colour (Paprika
or pink/brown mix).
Cut a small 'D' shape in red sugar paste. Stick this on as a mouth.
Squash a small pink ball of paste. Stick this on to the top centre of the mouth as a tongue.
Mark a vertical line with your straight edged tool.
Roll a large ball of skin coloured paste, squash it into an oval/peanut shape. Stick this above the mouth.
Mark vertical nostrils with your straight edged tool.
Roll a 'sausage' of skin coloured paste. Stick this along the bottom of the mouth as a bottom lip.
Roll 2 balls of white paste into slightly oval shapes, flatten on to the cake above the nose.
Roll out 2 small thick 'sausages' of pink. Stick these on as eyelids.
Roll out 2 very small black and 2 small blue balls of sugar paste.
Flatten them all. Stick the blue on as eyes with black for pupils.
Roll out a thin 'sausage' of black sugar paste. Cut in 2 and stick half over each eye where it meets the eyelid. Trim off the excess.
Roll a long (ish) thick (ish) 'sausage' (aprox' the length of the circumference of the cake, a few mm wide). Fold in half and gently twist to make curls (don't twist if you want the modern, feathered hair Miss Piggy).
Make 4 of these strands in varying lengths. Stick the hair around the face.
Squash 2 balls of skin coloured paste into triangles. Stick on the side of the head, over the hair, just above the eyes. Mark the centre bottom of each with your ball tool.
Cover the cake in red.
Roll out black sugar paste and cut a 'D' shape (almost as long as the cupcake is wide).
Squash a red paste ball flat. Stick on to the centre top of the mouth as a tongue.
Make a short sausage of white sugar paste. Stick along the bottom of the mouth.
Mark teeth using your straight edged modelling tool. Roll out a long sausage of red paste.
Stick it along the bottom of the mouth as a bottom lip.
Make 2 medium balls of white sugar paste, sick on as eyes.
Roll 2 very small balls of black paste and stick on in the middle of the eyes as pupils.
Roll long, thin 'sausages' of red paste, lie over the mouth (like a moustache).
Make a nose from a ball of red sugar paste, make a ball slightly pear shaped, then stick it on between the eyes and nose.
Roll a fat 'sausage' of black sugar paste. Stick it on over the eyes and mark it with your straight edged tool (in lines going out from the cake).
Cover the cake in brown sugar paste.
Make an elongated triangle shape in brown paste (make a pear shape, then flatten it).
Roll a small ball of black paste. Stick it to the end of the snout as a nose.
Roll 2 white eyeballs and black pupils, stick on the whites.
Roll a 'sausage' of brown paste. Stick on as eyelids, trim any excess.
Stick on the pupils. Flatten 2 brown balls into circles and roll a thin brown sausage.
Wrap the 'sausage' around the circles (not all the way), trim off any excess.
Stick the circles on to the side of the head as ears.
Cover your cake in the lighter brown colour.
Cut an elongated 'D' from rolled out black sugar paste. Stick on to the cake at the centre, near the bottom.
Roll a small black ball for a nose.
Roll 2 small white balls for eyes, flatten them slightly into ovals.
Make small black balls and flatten them on for pupils.
Knead some darker brown (chocolate colour) icing, Pull it apart to get a rough texture. Cut the textured sections off (as thinly as possible). These will be used to make fur.
Stick the 'fur' all around the edge of the cake.
Make a thicker section of textured paste, cut it into a large tear-drop shape. Make 2 for ears. Stick the ears on to the side of the head.
Cover the cake in skin colour sugar paste.
Squash a ball of skin colour paste into a peanut shape and flatten.
Stick this on the bottom of the cake as the chin.
Mark lines from the edges of this to the middle of the cake with your straight tool.
Roll a 'sausage' of skin coloured paste.
Stick this on as the middle of the nose. Roll 2 small skin coloured balls and add these as nostrils.
Roll 2 white paste balls for eyes, flatten them onto the cake.
Add small, flattened, black sugar paste flattened balls as pupils.
Roll a 'sausage of grey paste. Stick the grey paste above the eyes to make an eyebrow.
Mark texture on this with your straight edged tool.
Roll 2 small 'sausages' of paste for his hair. Stick on and mark in the same way.
Roll 2 balls of skin colour paste for ears, stick on to the cake and mark the centres with the ball modelling tool.
Cover the cake in skin colour sugar paste.
Make a 'sausage' of red paste and squash it flat. Curve slightly and add just below the middle of the cake as a mouth. Squash a smaller (about 1/6 size) 'sausage' of pink sugar paste for the tongue. Stick it on centre top of the mouth.
Roll a thin sausage of skin colour paste for the bottom lip. Stick it on below the mouth. Make a longer, white 'sausage' for his moustache.
Make a pear shape in skin colour paste for his nose. Stick the nose on over the moustache.
Mark vertical lines on the moustache with your straight edged tool.
Roll 2 white balls for eyes. Stick them on either side of the nose.
Roll 2 thin skin coloured 'sausages', cut them in 2 and use these as top and lower eyelids.
Pull apart some white sugar paste to get a textured section, cut this off.
Stick the textured section of hair on either side of his head. Make 2 small skin colour balls for ears. Stick the 'ears' on to the side of the head, mark the centres with a ball tool.
Swedish Chef
Cover in skin colour sugar paste.
Roll a red 'sausage' for the mouth.
Make skin colour 'sausage' for the bottom lip. Roll a long, thick 'sausage' of brown sugar paste. Flatten onto the cake over the mouth.
Make a pink sugar paste pear shape, stick on as the nose. Mark the brown sugar paste with your modelling tool in lines going out from the nose.
Roll a smaller 'sausage' of brown paste. stick above the nose and mark in lines (like the moustache) as eyebrows.
Roll 2 small balls of skin colour sugar paste, stick on the side of the head as ears. Mark with your ball modelling tool. Roll 2 small 'sausages' of brown paste, add above the ears as hair. Mark with your modelling tool in downward lines. Cut a rectangle from a rolled out piece of white sugar paste.
Make a large peanut shape from a squashed ball of white sugar paste.
Stick the rectangle across the top of the cake, stick the 'peanut' over the top. Mark vertical lines with your modelling tool for the shape of the hat.
Cover the cake in yellow. Mark a closed mouth smile across the cake.
Roll a very small ball of yellow sugar paste into a pear shape for the nose.
Roll 2 small ears, stick them to the sides of the head. Mark the centres of the ears with the modelling tool.
Using black paste, roll a long, thin 'sausage' of sugar paste Mould into an oval shape to make the frame of his glasses.
Repeat for the other side. Add a short strip of paste for the bridge of the nose. Add a leg to each side of the glasses.
Cover the cake in any colour you choose.
Stick a rectangle of skin coloured paste across the middle for Beaker's body.
Cut an arc of red paste to make a Beaker mouth. Roll a ball of orange sugar paste.
Shape it into a pear shape for the nose. Roll 2 white balls for eyes, don't flatten or squash them.
Stick all the facial bits together. Roll a black dot for this occasion. Roll out some white sugar paste, cut a rectangle into two squares. Stick the squares over the black 'knot' as a collar.
Make pupils by squashing 2 black balls into dots. Roll 'sausages' of orange paste. Fold them over and stick them together.
Repeat this until you have beaker hair. Cut off the top section and stick to the cake.
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