NAHS Hours Accounting - AFHS Chapter 2020/2021

by lnmedina in Teachers > Art

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NAHS Hours Accounting - AFHS Chapter 2020/2021

Gods work.jpg

Last Name: Wilma

First Name: Candice


All the things you need should be in the Hours and Attendance Folder within the shared Leadership Folder.

Hours and Attendance Folder Within the Shared Leadership Folder.


What it looks like.

Doing Attendance

The Record Sheet.jpg
Attendance Google Form.jpg
Google Form Attendence Spread Sheet.jpg

Doing Attendance and the Hours are a pretty similar process but doing the Attendance first is highly advisable to reduce work.

For Attendance we have 2 documents and a Google Form.

  1. The Attendance Record Sheet
  2. The Attendance responses Google Form
  3. The Attendance responses Google Form's Spread Sheet

Making a new google form will probably be needed for the new year to reduce clutter but copying the old one should be simple.

The only ones we really will be using to record Attendance is the Record Sheet and the Spread Sheet.

Doing Attendance Part 1

Attendance part a.jpg

Make a new tab and label it by the day that you are updating the attendance.

Copy and Paste all the submissions that you are using into the new tab from the main tab.

This will help you keep track of where to start for next time.

Doing Attendance Part 2

Attendance part a.jpg
Attendance Record Sheet.jpg

Go to the Attendance Record Sheet, and match up the names to the submissions.

You may need to add a new column with the date of the meetings, so be sure to know when the meetings are.

If the person had said they attended the meeting, fill the their row with green in the dated column.

Make sure to make note of who is an officer. I made their names red and bolded. This will be helpful for if the officers don't record their attendance for officer meetings, which they tend not to. As the one who is recording the hours and an officer you should just know which ones you attended. There may be some meetings where I just happen to remember that the officer was there and they didn't record it. Make note of that if you can too. I don't expect you to do this for every member in the club, that's just absurd. They need to record it themselves for your to account.

It is very possible from time to time you will need to add names for people that start showing up and want to to join the club. Just copy the record sheet, starting from the last name that would go after the new person alphabetically, and paste it one row lower than it was before. Then modify the Original row that is a duplicate. You can use this process for the Hours as well.

Hours Accounting

The Record Sheet.jpg
Volunteer google form.jpg
Volunteer Log.jpg

For Attendance we have 2 documents and a Google Form.

  1. The NAHS Record Sheet
  2. The Attendance Record Sheet
  3. The Volunteer Log Google Form
  4. The Volunteer Log Google Form's Spread Sheet

Understanding the Record Sheet


It's important to know what everything means. I'm sure the sponsors or the previous officers will show you but just incase.

Blue highlighted names means their inducted and blue squares in the years columns is the induction year,

Yellow Highlights means people to be Inducted this term.

x means they were not in the club

Red Bold means they are an officer

When you add Hours, add to the current year, and then calculate the Column. Make sure to do both.

Hours Part 1

Attendance Record Sheet.jpg

It'll be easier to add hours for the Attendance first.

Keep track of what your start and end period is based on the last time you updated.

For normal members, add .5 hours for every meeting attended.

For Officers add 1 hour for every meeting they attended to account for their officer meetings as well.

Officers could also attend officer meetings but didn't attend the full meeting, if you can keep track of that, but its easier to just add the full hour per meeting recorded if your not sure.

Hours 2

Volunteer Log 2.jpg

Next is the Volunteer Hours

Do the same thing for the Volunteer Log Spread sheet as you did for the Attendance.

Make a new tab and transfer the the logs that you need.

This time highlight the last row to help find the cut off period for that day easier.

Now get a calculator and look for all the logs with the same name. Add these hours together. Keep that number some where or directly input it into the Records Sheet.

As you go through each log, fill in the blocks to the side of it with green, to help you keep track of which ones you have done.

If it says someone has done more than 6 hours, make sure to check your email to see what it was for and how many hours you need to give them.

Congratulations you should be done by now, unless your asked to look for something specfically.