Nerf Silencer Mod
Many people have Nerf silencers but almost none of them work. Most are for show but some help dampen the noise. Here is a mod that almost completely silences your Nerf gun.
Disassemble the Gun
Unscrew all of the screws and carefully place them in a spot where they won't get lost.
Adding the Silencers
Now you need some felt or cotton. We prefer felt because it doesn't shred or fall apart as easily as cotton. Then take the felt pads (we show store bought felt circles) and place them in the locations shown in the pictures.
Put the Gun Back Together
just put the gun back together.
Make It Look Cool!
Now you can add a silencer looking object (black toilet paper roll, M&M case, etc.). Then enjoy!
We must give credit to Derpancake for this mod. We found this mod surfing Instructables. We slightly modded it but we still should give cred to him.