Ninja Tag
This is my first instructable so be nice. Ninja tag is a game that I made up that is played in the dark and it is very fun to play. It is a combination of tag and ninja awesomeness.
You need at least 6 people to play and there is no maximum number. There are 2 types of players, ninjas and civilians. Ninjas wear ninja uniforms and civilians wear street clothes. There should be a ratio of 5 ninjas to 1 civilian.
Any type of ninja weapons will do but they have to be padded (except wooden swords). Airsoft guns are allowed as long as they are spring pistols and you have 1 mag with 20 rounds or less. No scopes or laser aimers. Hand to hand combat is allowed.
You are out when you are hit with a weapon, spotted by a civilian, tag a civilian, or get knocked down in hand to hand combat. When you get out you shout out and crumple to the ground in a dishonored heap and wait for the end of the round.
Thats All Folks!!
More parts coming soon!