No-Bake Chocolate Pie
This chocolate pie is delicious and is a must have. I could not stop eating it, it was so good.
Get 5 Jumbo size chocolate bars. It should equally to 7.7 ounces on a scale.
Chocolate Filling
Put 6 tablespoons of corn starch in the 1st bowl. Put 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. 1/2 teaspoon of salt in that bowl. In a new bowl put 3 cups of milk and 4 egg yolks.
Put the first bowl into a medium pot. Turn the stove to medium heat and gradually stir the 2nd bowls mixture into the pot. Stir every 10 seconds until bowling. After it starts to boil start a timer for 1 minute and stir it till the timer is done. After the 1 minute timer is done take it off the burner and put 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of butter. After that done empty all the chocolate into the pot and stir it up.
Place the chocolate mixture into the crust. Then wait tell its cooled and then put saran wrap around it. Next put it in the fridge (Several hours) until cool. Now your done!! Sit back and enjoy your delicious no-bake chocolate pie.
First get 2 cups of smashed graham cracker. Put 1/4 cup of sugar in it and 1 cube of butter. Then bake it for 8 to 10 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees.