You probably never noticed it, most modern PC and laptops have the ability to boot an operating system over the network – probably didn’t know that – did you? Well, they can.
This feature on many PC’s is PXE (“pixie”) – Pre eXecution Environment
You can check you PC system BIOS on your laptop or desktop PC to see if you have this capability. Here is how to do it.
Enter the appropriate key when you turn on your PC to enter the BIOS setup screen.
Look in the boot menu or boot order menu.
Find an entry that says “Network Adapter”
If you find this option, then you are in luck.
The Diskless Workstation Experiment
The best way to learn is “hands on” So we’ll show you how to your can experiment with Network boot of diskless workstations using your own PC’s. Hopefully, you have 2 PC’s that will work.
Here is our setup. The PC on the left will be our boot server. The PC on the right will be our diskless workstation and we’ll network boot that baby to show you how it works. Unlike Cold Fusion, you should be able to replicate our experiment at your home with very little trouble and get the same results.
Here is what you need
Two PC’s that are both capable of running KNOPPIX with one of those PC’s capable of booting from its Network adapter. Most modern PC’s will have this capability.
A network comprised of the two PC’s. We will make a network with a hub and two network cables. You can alternately use a special “cross-over” cable that would let you connect the two PC’s without a hub or switch – but we will assume you don’t have that. Most likely you have a hub or switch – so we will use that and a couple of ordinary network cables
Set one of the PC’s to boot from the Network. Use whatever your BIOS requires to change the boot order to put the Network adapter ahead of all the other boot devices. Don’t worry, if the network boot server is not available when your PC tries to boot in the normal manner – from the hard drive. Your PC will cycle through all the other bootable devices until it finds some device it can boot from – usually your hard drive. We have set the PC on the right to boot from its network adpater.
Network connect the 2 PC’s to the private network using the hub and two cables. Just plug the cables into into each PC and then into the hub – its as easy as that.
Find the vendor and model of the network adapter on the diskless workstation PC. This is very important. One of these PC’s will act as the boot server. The other PC will act as the diskless workstation. On the diskless workstation boot that machine into windows as normal and note the vendor, model, and type of the network adapter. You can find this as follows. Right-click MyConputer -> Properties -> Device Manger -> expand Network Adapters and write down what you see.
For our diskless workstation PC (the Compaq) we found we have a RealTek RTL-8139 Fast Ethernet adapter. it is very important that you know this piece of information.
As a final check use the KNOPPIX live CD and make sure each of the PC’s will boot from the CD and are fully functional – especially the network card. Note any special boot parameters you need for Knoppix. We will assume that ther are none.
Set all but one machine to set to boot to pxe boot. This will vary from system to system. To do this you usally need to go into the bios and set the nic (network interface card or port) and set it to the first boot device.
You will also need to disable any settings for hard drives, floppys. or cd-roms (except for the system with the cdrom.