Obi Wan Kenobi Jack-o-lantern Pumpkin
For this Obi Wan Kenobi pumpkin you will need:
- Large pumpkin
- Photo of Obi Wan Kenobi
- Sharpie Marker or permanent marker
- Carving tools or x-acto blade and a small tool to scrape out the design
- LED light to light the inside or candle but LED is brighter
- Large pumpkin
- Photo of Obi Wan Kenobi
- Sharpie Marker or permanent marker
- Carving tools or x-acto blade and a small tool to scrape out the design
- LED light to light the inside or candle but LED is brighter
Pick an Image
I found an image online of Obi Wan Kenobi.
Photoshop Layers
Using Adobe Photoshop Filters gallery I used Artistic cutout to create layers to make the carving easier to envision.
Drawing on the Pumpkin
I drew the image on the pumpkin using a sharpie marker. The overall drawing looks like a topographic map! This helps when it comes to carving the design.
Carving the Design
I started by carving out a hole in the bottom and then scooping out all the pulp and seeds. Now its time to carve. I began with the x-acto knife. Using the knife I cut all the lines threw the skin only. This way when you go to carve the design ill release easily as to not have more fall away then you want. The reason the design is created like a topographic map is to know how deep to cut certain areas. The deeper you carve the lighter it gets when lit. The thin areas let more light through. As you carve it you may want to have the light handy so you can carve it with it on inside. This allows you to refine the carving so it will glow in the correct spots with highlights, middle tones and dark areas.
Finished Carving All Lit Up!
Once it is done you can put your light inside. I found the LED battery operated puck lights work best and they are inexpensive. You can do this process with any design. Hope yours comes out well! Happy carving!