Obstacle Avoidance Robot
This robot is a Obstacle Avoiding robot, that can sense if there is a obstacle ahead of it. If the obstacle is 15cm ahead the robot, it will take a left turn, else it will continue to go ahead.
Adding Bread Board
In this step, we will add a bread board.
Adding Motors
In this the Motor to our robot, to help it move.
Adding Motor Driver
In this step, we will add the Motor Driver to it , so that the motors can be controlled.
Adding a Arduino System
Arduino System will be the brain of the robot and will control the whole system.
Adding Ultrasonic Sensors
We will add the Ultrasonic sensors to help the understand the distance between the robot and the obstacle.
Completion 1
Your Assembling of the components is done, now it's the time to do the wirings. Do the wiring as shown in the picture.
Completion 2
Now you have also completed the wiring of the robot, now it's time for the coding. Do the coding as shown in the picture.