Ocean Lightbox
This is a simple light box mean to create a calming experience through lights and sound.
Created by Catherine Pavell, December 2019.
For the Boxes:
- clear acrylic plexiglass
- (optional) paint to cover the base
Electronic Basics:
- a breadboard
- an arduino uno
- wires
For the Remote:
- an infrared sensor
- an infrared remote
For the Lights:
- one or more RGB LEDs
- three 1K resistors
For the Sound:
- a DFPlayer Mini
- an SD card and adapter
- one 1K resistor
- one or more speakers
Making the Box and Base
I opted to laser cut my boxes.
The light box itself is the smaller of the two with etching designs, and the base component is the larger part, including a hole to hold the light box as well as pass electronic parts through.
I first created a file compliant with my laser cutter's parameters that depicted the pieces of my box.
I made finger joints the same width as the clear plexiglass I chose to cut and lined them all up so that they would fit perfectly.
I included additional etching designs made from images of waves to go along with the ocean theme.
I then cut out the box and assembled it. I used hot glue to seal the edges, but this step is optional. I made sure to leave some edges unsealed for easy removal to move the electronic parts around inside.
The IR Remote
Connect your infrared sensor as shown.
Enter the code shown.
Open your serial monitor and test each button on your remote. Then record the results.
These byte codes can then be inserted into your code in order to assign actions to each button on your IR remote.
The Lights
Connect your RGB LED as shown.
**NOTE: Some RGB LEDs are connected differently, this image can be used for a common cathode RGB LED, however I am using a common anode RGB LED, meaning that the longer pin needs to be connected to 5V instead of ground, and the RGB pins are out of order.**
Enter the code shown, putting the color value commands into your desired remote code if statements.
You should now be able to control the color of your RGB LED with your IR Remote.
I chose to assign each of the numbered buttons to a different color, for easy customization of the light box.
Assembling the Final Piece
The light box sits in the base's opening, balancing on its corner.
I then cut a small hole in the bottom corner of the light box in order to place the LED into the box itself.
I left some sides open so that the boxes can be opened and adjusted if needed, including placing the electronic components in the base box through the side.